Anna Letitia Barbauld

  • Sleep, sleep to-day, tormenting cares,
      Of earth and folly born;
    Ye shall not dim the light that streams
      From this celestial morn.

    To-morrow will be time enough
      To feel your harsh control;
    Ye shall not violate, this day,

  • Praise to God, immortal praise,
    For the love that crowns our days—
    Bounteous source of every joy,
    Let Thy praise our tongues employ!

    For the blessings of the field,
    For the stores the gardens yield,
    For the vine’s exalted juice,
    For the...

  • “Animula, vagula, blandula.”
      LIFE! I know not what thou art,
    But know that thou and I must part;
    And when, or how, or where we met
    I own to me ’s a secret yet.
    But this I know, when thou art fled,
    Where’er they lay these limbs, this head,