• Softly woo away her breath,
      Gentle death!
    Let her leave thee with no strife,
      Tender, mournful, murmuring life!
    She hath seen her happy day,—
      She hath had her bud and blossom;
    Now she pales and shrinks away,
      Earth, into thy gentle bosom!

    She hath done her bidding here,
      Angels dear!
    Bear her perfect soul...

  • She died in beauty,—like a rose
      Blown from its parent stem;
    She died in beauty,—like a pearl
      Dropped from some diadem.

    She died in beauty,—like a lay
      Along a moonlit lake;
    She died in beauty,—like the song
      Of birds amid the brake.

    She died in beauty,—like the snow
      On flowers dissolved away;
    She died...

  • From “The Song of Hiawatha”
    ALL day long roved Hiawatha
    In that melancholy forest,
    Through the shadows of whose thickets,
    In the pleasant days of Summer,
    Of that ne’er forgotten Summer.
    He had brought his young wife homeward
    From the land of the Dacotahs;
    When the birds sang in the thickets,
    And the streamlets laughed and...

  • Turin,—After News from Gaëta, 1861
       Laura Savio of Turin, a poetess and patriot, whose sons were killed at Ancona and Gaëta.

    DEAD! one of them shot by the sea in the east,
      And one of them shot in the west by the sea.
    Dead! both my boys! When you sit at the feast,
      And are wanting a great song for Italy free,
          Let none look at me!

  • From “Cymbeline,” Act IV. Sc. 2.

    FEAR no more the heat o’ the sun,
      Nor the furious winter’s rages;
    Thou thy worldly task hast done,
      Home art gone, and ta’en thy wages:
    Golden lads and girls all must,
    As chimney-sweepers, come to dust.

    Fear no more the frown o’ the great,
      Thou art past the tyrant’s stroke;
    Care no...

  • Ye banks, and braes, and streams around
      The castle o’ Montgomery,
    Green be your woods, and fair your flowers,
      Your waters never drumlie!
    There Simmer first unfald her robes
      And there she langest tarry!
    For there I took the last fareweel
      O’ my sweet Highland Mary.

    How sweetly bloomed the gay green birk!
      How rich...

  • I Wish I were where Helen lies;
    Night and day on me she cries;
    O that I were where Helen lies
        On fair Kirconnell lea!

    Curst be the heart that thought the thought,
    And curst the hand that fired the shot,
    When in my arms burd Helen dropt,
        And died to succor me!

    O think na but my heart was sair
    When my Love dropt...

  • From “Maud”
    OH that ’t were possible,
      After long grief and pain,
    To find the arms of my true love
      Round me once again!

    When I was wont to meet her
      In the silent woody places
    Of the land that gave me birth,
      We stood tranced in long embraces
    Mixt with kisses sweeter, sweeter
      Than anything on earth.

  • “Dowglas, Dowglas, tendir and treu”
    COULD ye come back to me, Douglas, Douglas,
      In the old likeness that I knew,
    I would be so faithful, so loving, Douglas,
      Douglas, Douglas, tender and true.

    Never a scornful word should grieve ye,
      I ’d smile on ye sweet as the angels do;
    Sweet as your smile on me shone ever,

  • We ’ll not weep for summer over,—
            No, not we:
    Strew above his head the clover,—
            Let him be!

    Other eyes may weep his dying,
            Shed their tears
    There upon him, where he ’s lying
            With his peers.

    Unto some of them he proffered
            Gifts most sweet;
    For our hearts a grave he offered...