• Anonymous translation from the German

    PAIN’S furnace heat within me quivers,
      God’s breath upon the flame doth blow,
    And all my heart in anguish shivers,
      And trembles at the fiery glow:
    And yet I whisper, As God will!
    And in his hottest fire hold still.

    He comes and lays my heart, all heated,
      On the hard anvil, minded so...

  • How seldom, Friend! a good great man inherits
      Honor or wealth with all his worth and pains!
    It sounds like stories from the land of spirits.
    If any man obtain that which he merits,
      Or any merit that which he obtains.

    For shame, dear Friend; renounce this canting strain!
    What wouldst thou have a good great man obtain?

  • Somewhere, out on the blue seas sailing,
          Where the winds dance and spin;
    Beyond the reach of my eager hailing,
          Over the breakers’ din;
    Out where the dark storm-clouds are lifting,
    Out where the blinding fog is drifting,
    Out where the treacherous sand is shifting,
          My ship is coming in.

    Oh, I have watched till my...

  • NEVER 1 despair! Let the feeble in spirit
      Bow like the willow that stoops to the blast.
    Droop not in peril! ’T is manhood’s true merit
      Nobly to struggle and hope to the last.
    When by the sunshine of fortune forsaken
      Faint sinks the heart of the feeble with fear,
    Stand like the oak of the forest—unshaken,
      Never despair—Boys—oh!...

  •     TO touch a broken lute,
          To strike a jangled string,
        To strive with tones forever mute
          The dear old tunes to sing—
    What sadder fate could any heart befall?
    Alas! dear child, never to sing at all.

        To sigh for pleasures flown,
          To weep for withered flowers,
        To count the blessings we have known,...

  • Far poured past Broadway’s lamps alight,
      The tumult of her motley throng,
    When high and clear upon the night
      Rose an inspiring song,
    And rang above the city’s din
    To sound of harp and violin;
      A simple but a manly strain,
      And ending with the brave refrain—
    Courage! courage, mon camarade!

    And now where rose that...

  • We are born; we laugh; we weep;
        We love; we droop; we die!
    Ah! wherefore do we laugh or weep?
        Why do we live or die?
    Who knows that secret deep?
        Alas not I!

    Why doth the violet spring
        Unseen by human eye?
    Why do the radiant seasons bring
        Sweet thoughts that quickly fly?
    Why do our fond hearts...

  • From “Hamlet,” Act III. Sc. 1.
      HAMLET.—To be, or not to be,—that is the question:—
    Whether ’t is nobler in the mind to suffer
    The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
    Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
    And, by opposing, end them?—To die, to sleep;—
    No more; and, by a sleep, to say we end
    The heart-ache, and the thousand...

  • LIKE 1 to the falling of a star,
    Or as the flights of eagles are,
    Or like the fresh spring’s gaudy hue,
    Or silver drops of morning dew,
    Or like a wind that chafes the flood,
    Or bubbles which on water stood,—
    E’en such is man, whose borrowed light
    Is straight called in, and paid to-night.
    The wind blows out, the bubble dies,...

  •    [These verses are said to have “chilled the heart” of Oliver Cromwell.]

    THE GLORIES of our blood and state
      Are shadows, not substantial things;
    There is no armor against fate;
      Death lays his icy hand on kings:
          Sceptre and crown
          Must tumble down,
    And in the dust be equal made
    With the poor crooked scythe and...