• Linger not long. Home is not home without thee:
      Its dearest tokens do but make me mourn.
    O, let its memory, like a chain about thee,
      Gently compel and hasten thy return!

    Linger not long. Though crowds should woo thy staying,
      Bethink thee, can the mirth of thy friends, though dear,
    Compensate for the grief thy long delaying

  • Negro Song
    THE SUN shines bright on our old Kentucky home;
      ’T is summer, the darkeys are gay;
    The corn top ’s ripe and the meadow ’s in the bloom,
      While the birds make music all the day;
    The young folks roll on the little cabin floor,
      All merry, all happy, all bright;
    By’m by hard times comes a knockin’ at the door,—

  • Way down upon de Swanee Ribber,
      Far, far away,
    Dere ’s wha my heart is turning ebber,
      Dere ’s wha de old folks stay.
    All up and down de whole creation
      Sadly I roam,
    Still longing for de old plantation,
      And for de old folks at home.

        All de world am sad and dreary,
          Ebery where I roam;

  • From “The Task,” Book VI.
      NOT to understand a treasure’s worth
    Till time has stol’n away the slighted good,
    Is cause of half the poverty we feel,
    And makes the world the wilderness it is.

  • Man

    In his own image the Creator made,
      His own pure sunbeam quickened thee, O man!
      Thou breathing dial! since the day began
    The present hour was ever marked with shade!

  • The World ’s a bubble, and the Life of Man
            Less than a span:
    In his conception wretched, from the womb,
            So to the tomb;
    Curst from his cradle, and brought up to years
            With cares and fears.
    Who then to frail mortality shall trust,
    But limns on water, or but writes in dust.

    Yet whilst with sorrow here we...

  • Moan, moan, ye dying gales!
    The saddest of your tales
      Is not so sad as life;
    Nor have you e’er began
    A theme so wild as man,
      Or with such sorrow rife.

    Fall, fall, thou withered leaf!
    Autumn sears not like grief,
      Nor kills such lovely flowers;
    More terrible the storm,
    More mournful the deform,

  • False world, thou ly’st: thou canst not lend
              The least delight:
    Thy favors cannot gain a friend,
              They are so slight:
    Thy morning pleasures make an end
              To please at night:
    Poor are the wants that thou supply’st,
    And yet thou vaunt’st, and yet thou vy’st
    With heaven: fond earth, thou boasts; false world...

  • From “As You Like It,” Act II. Sc. 7.
          BLOW, blow, thou winter wind,
          Thou art not so unkind
              As man’s ingratitude;
          Thy tooth is not so keen,
          Because thou art not seen,
              Although thy breath be rude.
    Heigh-ho! sing heigh-ho! unto the green holly;
    Most friendship is feigning, most loving mere...

  • From the Greek by Elizabeth Barrett Browning
    From “Prometheus”
    O HOLY Æther, and swift-winged Winds,
    And River-wells, and laughter innumerous
    Of yon Sea-waves! Earth, mother of us all,
    And all-viewing cyclic Sun, I cry on you,—
    Behold me a god, what I endure from gods!
            Behold, with throe on throe,
            How, wasted by this...