• As one who cons at evening o’er an album all alone,
    And muses on the faces of the friends that he has known,
    So I turn the leaves of fancy, till in shadowy design
    I find the smiling features of an old sweetheart of mine.

    The lamplight seems to glimmer with a flicker of surprise,
    As I turn it low to rest me of the dazzle in my eyes,
    And light my...

  • Ah what avails the sceptred race,
      Ah what the form divine!
    What every virtue, every grace!
      Rose Aylmer, all were thine.
    Rose Aylmer, whom these wakeful eyes
      May weep, but never see,
    A night of memories and of sighs
      I consecrate to thee.

  • Sonnet Cxvi.
    let me not to the marriage of true minds
    Admit impediments: love is not love,
    Which alters when it alteration finds,
    Or bends with the remover to remove;
    O, no! it is an ever-fixèd mark,
    That looks on tempests, and is never shaken;
    It is the star to every wandering bark,
    Whose worth ’s unknown, although his height be...

  • Go from me. Yet I feel that I shall stand
    Henceforward in thy shadow. Nevermore
    Alone upon the threshold of my door
    Of individual life, I shall command
    The uses of my soul, nor lift my hand
    Serenely in the sunshine as before,
    Without the sense of that which I forbore,…
    Thy touch upon the palm. The widest land
    Doom takes to part us...

  • If thou must love me, let it be for naught
    Except for love’s sake only. Do not say
    “I love her for her smile … her look … her way
    Of speaking gently,—for a trick of thought
    That falls in well with mine, and certes brought
    A sense of pleasant ease on such a day.”
    For these things in themselves, belovèd, may
    Be changed, or change for thee,—...

  • I Never gave a lock of hair away
    To a man, Dearest, except this to thee,
    Which now upon my fingers thoughtfully
    I ring out to the full brown length and say
    “Take it.” My day of youth went yesterday;
    My hair no longer bounds to my foot’s glee.
    Nor plant I it from rose or myrtle tree,
    As girls do, any more. It only may
    Now shade on...

  • Say over again, and yet once over again,
    That thou dost love me. Though the word repeated
    Should seem a “cuckoo-song,” as thou dost treat it,
    Remember never to the hill or plain,
    Valley and wood, without her cuckoo-strain,
    Comes the fresh spring in all her green completed.
    Beloved, I, amid the darkness greeted
    By a doubtful spirit-voice,...

  • My letters! all dead paper,… mute and white!—
    And yet they seem alive and quivering
    Against my tremulous hands which loose the string
    And let them drop down on my knee to-night.
    This said,… he wished to have me in his sight
    Once, as a friend: this fixed a day in spring
    To come and touch my hand … a simple thing,
    Yet I wept for it! this,…...

  • If I leave all for thee, wilt thou exchange
    And be all to me? Shall I never miss
    Home-talk and blessing and the common kiss
    That comes to each in turn, nor count it strange,
    When I look up, to drop on a new range
    Of walls and floors, another home than this?
    Nay, wilt thou fill that place by me which is
    Filled by dead eyes too tender to...

  • First time he kissed me, he but only kissed
    The fingers of this hand wherewith I write;
    And, ever since, it grew more clean and white,
    Slow to world-greetings, quick with its “O list!”
    When the angels speak. A ring of amethyst
    I could not wear here, plainer to my sight
    Than that first kiss. The second passed in height
    The first, and...