• I Knew by the smoke that so gracefully curled
      Above the green elms, that a cottage was near,
    And I said, “If there ’s peace to be found in the world,
      A heart that is humble might hope for it here!”

    It was noon, and on flowers that languished around
      In silence reposed the voluptuous bee;
    Every leaf was at rest, and I heard not a sound...

  • There is not in this wide world a valley so sweet
    As that vale in whose bosom the bright waters meet;
    O, the last ray of feeling and life must depart
    Ere the bloom of that valley shall fade from my heart!

    Yet it was not that Nature had shed o’er the scene
    Her purest of crystal and brightest of green;
    ’T was not the soft magic of streamlet or...

  • And doth not a meeting like this make amends
      For all the long years I ’ve been wand’ring away—
    To see thus around me my youth’s early friends,
      As smiling and kind as in that happy day?
    Though haply o’er some of your brows, as o’er mine,
      The snow-fall of Time may be stealing—what then?
    Like Alps in the sunset, thus lighted by wine,...

  • “a Temple to Friendship,” cried Laura, enchanted,
    “I ’ll build in this garden; the thought is divine.”
    So the temple was built, and she now only wanted
    An image of Friendship, to place on the shrine.

    So she flew to the sculptor, who sat down before her
    An image, the fairest his art could invent;
    But so cold, and so dull, that the youthful...

  •         WREATHE the bowl
            With flowers of soul,
    The brightest wit can find us;
            We ’ll take a flight
            Towards heaven to-night,
    And leave dull earth behind us!
            Should Love amid
            The wreaths be hid
    That Joy, the enchanter, brings us,
            No danger fear
            While wine is...

  • Here is one leaf reserved for me,
    From all thy sweet memorials free;
    And here my simple song might tell
    The feelings thou must guess so well.
    But could I thus, within thy mind,
    One little vacant corner find,
    Where no impression yet is seen,
    Where no memorial yet has been,
    O, it should be my sweetest care
    To write my name...

  •     THE Brilliant black eye
        May in triumph let fly
    All its darts without caring who feels ’em;
        But the soft eye of blue,
        Though it scatter wounds too,
    Is much better pleased when it heals ’em!
          Dear Fanny!

        The black eye may say,
        “Come and worship my ray;
    By adoring, perhaps you may move me!”...

  • How sweet the answer Echo makes
    To Music at night
    When, roused by lute or horn, she wakes,
    And far away o’er lawns and lakes
    Goes answering light!

    Yet Love hath echoes truer far
    And far more sweet
    Than e’er, beneath the moonlight’s star,
    Of horn or lute or soft guitar
    The songs repeat.

    ’T is when the sigh,—in...

  • From “Irish Melodies”
    O THE DAYS are gone when beauty bright
            My heart’s chain wove!
    When my dream of life, from morn till night,
            Was love, still love!
            New hope may bloom,
            And days may come,
      Of milder, calmer beam,
    But there ’s nothing half so sweet in life
      As love’s young dream!

  • From “Irish Melodies”
    COME, rest in this bosom, my own stricken deer,
    Though the herd have fled from thee, thy home is still here;
    Here still is the smile, that no cloud can o’ercast,
    And a heart and a hand all thy own to the last.

    Oh! what was love made for, if ’t is not the same
    Through joy and through torment, through glory and shame?...