Rudolph the Headsman

From “This Is It” RUDOLPH, professor of the headsman’s trade, Alike was famous for his arm and blade. One day a prisoner Justice had to kill Knelt at the block to test the artist’s skill. Bare-armed, swart-visaged, gaunt, and shaggy-browed, Rudolph the headsman rose above the crowd. His falchion lightened with a sudden gleam, As the pike’s armor flashes in the stream. He sheathed his blade; he turned as if to go; The victim knelt, still waiting for the blow. “Why strikest not? Perform thy murderous act,” The prisoner said. (His voice was slightly cracked.) “Friend, I have struck,” the artist straight replied; “Wait but one moment, and yourself decide.” He held his snuff-box,—“Now then, if you please!” The prisoner sniffed, and, with a crashing sneeze, Off his head tumbled, bowled along the floor, Bounced down the steps;—the prisoner said no more.

Sub Title: 
Humorous Poems: II. Miscellaneous

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