Title Poet Year Written Collection Body
Unguarded Gates Thomas Bailey Aldrich English

Wide open and unguarded stand our gates,
Named of the four winds, North, South, East, and West;
Portals that lead to an enchanted land
Of cities, forests, fields of living gold,
Vast prairies, lordly summits touched with snow,
Majestic rivers sweeping...

Único consuelo Clemente Althaus 1855 Spanish

Tan sólo encuentra mi dolor consuelo
en la voz que me dice: «No lo dudes,
»ya la madre que lloras, en el cielo
»recibe el galardón de sus virtudes».
Es la voz de la amiga cariñosa
que conoció el tesoro de nobleza,
de bondad, de indulgencia generosa,

Unidad César Vallejo 1912 Spanish

En esta noche mi reloj jadea
junto a la sien oscurecida, como
manzana de revólver que voltea
bajo el gatillo sin hallar el plomo.

La luna blanca, inmóvil, lagrimea,
y es un ojo que apunta... Y siento cómo
se acuña el gran Misterio en una idea
hostil y...

Union Renée Vivien 1897 French

    Notre cœur est semblable en notre sein de femme,
    Très chère ! Notre corps est pareillement fait.
    Un même destin lourd a pesé sur notre âme,
    Nous nous aimons et nous sommes l’hymne parfait.

    Je traduis ton sourire et l’ombre sur ta face....

Unit, like Death, for Whom? English

Unit, like Death, for Whom?

True, like the Tomb,

Who tells no secret

Told to Him —

The Grave is strict —

Tickets admit

Just two — the Bearer —

And the Borne —

And seat — just One —...

Unité Victor Hugo 1844 French

Par-dessus l'horizon aux collines brunies,
Le soleil, cette fleur des splendeurs infinies,
Se penchait sur la terre à l'heure du couchant ;
Une humble marguerite, éclose au bord d'un champ,
Sur un mur gris, croulant parmi l'avoine folle,
Blanche épanouissait sa...

Unknown Poets William Wordsworth 1790 English

From “The Excursion,” Book I.
  O, MANY are the poets that are sown
By nature; men endowed with highest gifts,
The vision and the faculty divine;
Yet wanting the accomplishment of verse
(Which, in the docile season of their youth,
It was denied them...

Unless Ella Dietz Glynes English

O touch me not, unless thy soul
  Can claim my soul as thine;
Give me no earthly flowers that fade,
  No love, but love divine:
For I gave thee immortal flowers,
That bloomed serene in heavenly bowers.

Look not with favor on my face,

Unlust Otfried Krzyzanowski 1919 German

     [8] UNLUST

Die Begierde hat sich schlafen gelegt,
Es bleibt das Fieber.
Der köstliche Mut der Entsagung
Er wäre mir heute...

Unmanifest Destiny Richard Hovey English

To what new fates, my country, far
  And unforeseen of foe or friend,
Beneath what unexpected star,
  Compelled to what unchosen end,

Across the sea that knows no beach
  The Admiral of Nations guides
Thy blind obedient keels to reach

Unmusical Birds William Cowper 1751 English

From “The Task,” Book I.
TEN thousand warblers cheer the day, and one
The livelong night: nor these alone, whose notes
Nice-fingered Art must emulate in vain,
But cawing rooks, and kites that swim sublime
In still repeated circles, screaming loud,

Unmut Otfried Krzyzanowski 1919 German

     [12] UNMUT

Spart euch den Trost! Der Wahnsinn ist
Der Gläubiger der Geschlagenen.
Und ihm verfällt des Elends wache Brut.

Unmut Ludwig Pfau 1874 German

So hat sie wirklich mich verlassen?
Sie ging hinweg und kehrt nicht mehr?
O Gott! Wie ist die Welt so leer!
Ich wanke heim die düstern Gassen.

Ich wanke heim die...

Uno con él Amado Nervo 1890 Spanish

Eres uno con Dios, porque le amas,
¡Tu pequeñez qué importa y tu miseria!;
eres uno con Dios, porque le amas.

Le buscaste en los libros,
le buscaste en los templos,
le buscaste en los astros,
y un día el corazón te dijo, trémulo:
"aquí está", y desde...

Uno piasente sguardo Italian


Uno piasente sguardo

coralmente m’ha feruto,

und’eo d’amore sentomi infiammato;

ed è stato uno dardo

pungente, sì forte, aguto,...

Unos con la calumnia le mancharon Rosalía de Castro 1857 Spanish


 Unos con la calumnia le mancharon;
Otros falsos amores le han mentido;
Y aunque dudo si algunos le han querido,
De cierto sé que todos le olvidaron.


Unrequited Love William Shakespeare 1584 English

From “Twelfth Night,” Act I. Sc. 4.
  VIOLA.—Ay, but I know,—
  DUKE.—What dost thou know?
  VIOLA.—Too well what love women to men may owe:
In faith, they are as true of heart as we.
My father had a daughter loved a man,
As it might be, perhaps,...

Unreturning Elizabeth Stoddard English

Now all the flowers that ornament the grass,
Wherever meadows are and placid brooks,
Must fall—the “glory of the grass” must fall.
Year after year I see them sprout and spread,—
The golden, glossy, tossing buttercups,
The tall, straight daisies and red...

Unreturning English

'T was such a little, little boat

That toddled down the bay !

'T was such a gallant, gallant sea

That beckoned it away !

'T was such a greedy,...

Unruhige Nacht Conrad Ferdinand Meyer 1905 German

Heut ward mir bis zum jungen Tag
Der Schlummer abgebrochen,
Im Herzen ging es Schlag auf Schlag
Mit Hämmern und mit Pochen,

Als trieb sich eine Bubenschar