Title Poet Year Written Collection Body
The Little Cloud John Howard Bryant 1827 English

AS 1 when, on Carmel’s sterile steep,
  The ancient prophet bowed the knee,
And seven times sent his servant forth
  To look toward the distant sea;

There came at last a little cloud,
  Scarce larger than the human hand,

The Little Elf John Kendrick Bangs English

I met a little Elf-man, once,
  Down where the lilies blow.
I asked him why he was so small
  And why he didn’t grow.

He slightly frowned, and with his eye
  He looked me through and through.
“I ’m quite as big for me,” said he,
  “As you...

The Little Knight in Green Katharine Lee Bates English

What fragrant-footed comer
  Is stepping o’er my head?
Behold, my queen! the Summer!
  Who deems her warriors dead.
Now rise, ye knights of many fights,
  From out your sleep profound!
Make sharp your spears, my gallant peers,
  And prick...

The Little Milliner Robert Buchanan English

  MY girl hath violet eyes and yellow hair,
A soft hand, like a lady’s, small and fair,
A sweet fate pouting in a white straw bonnet,
A tiny foot, and little boot upon it;
And all her finery to charm beholders
Is the gray shawl drawn tight around her...

The Little Nipper an' 'is Ma George Fauvel Gouraud English

“yer know me little nipper,”
Said ’Energy ’Awkins, M. P.
“Well, ’e ’s a little champion,
An’ tikes on arfter me.
Larst Sunday me an’ the missus
Went out fer a little walk—
I should say the nipper took us,
Yer should o’ ’eard ’im tork!

The Little Red Lark Alfred Perceval Graves English

O Swan of slenderness,
Dove of tenderness,
  Jewel of joys, arise!
The little red lark,
Like a soaring spark
  Of song, to his sunburst flies;
But till thou art arisen,
Earth is a prison,
  Full of my lonesome sighs:

The Living Book Charlotte Fiske Bates English

This bears the seal of immortality,
  For every soul that reads it feels the search
Of answering thought, and thousands there may be
Saying at once, “How straight that looks at me!”
  Nor child nor fool it leaveth in the lurch;
But, like the eyes that mark...

The Living Temple Oliver Wendell Holmes English

Not in the world of light alone,
Where God has built his blazing throne,
Nor yet alone in earth below,
With belted seas that come and go,
And endless isles of sunlit green,
Is all thy Maker’s glory seen:
Look in upon thy wondrous frame,—

The Living Temple Oliver Wendell Holmes English

Not in the world of light alone,
Where God has built his blazing throne,
Nor yet alone in earth below,
With belted seas that come and go,
And endless isles of sunlit green,
Is all thy Maker’s glory seen:
Look in upon thy wondrous frame,—

The Loneliness One dare not sound — English

The Loneliness One dare not sound —

And would as soon surmise

As in its Grave go plumbing

To ascertain the size —

The Loneliness whose worst alarm

Is lest itself should see —

And perish from before...

The Lonely Bugle Grieves Grenville Mellen English

    the trump hath blown,
  And now upon that reeking hill
Slaughter rides screaming on the vengeful ball;
  While with terrific signal shrill,
The vultures, from their bloody eyries flown,
    Hang o’er them like a pall.
  Now deeper roll the...

The Lonely House English

A pair of spectacles afar just stir —

An almanac 's aware.

Was it the mat winked,

Or a nervous star ?

The moon slides down the stair

To see who 's there.

There 's plunder, — where ?


The Lonely-Bird Harrison Smith Morris English

O dappled throat of white! Shy, hidden bird!
  Perched in green dimness of the dewy wood,
  And murmuring, in that lonely, lover mood,
    Thy heart-ache, softly heard,
Sweetened by distance, over land and lake.

Why, like a kinsman, do I feel thy voice...

The lonesome for they know not What — English

The lonesome for they know not What —

The Eastern Exiles — be —

Who strayed beyond the Amber line

Some madder Holiday —

And ever since — the purple Moat

They strive to climb — in vain —

As Birds —...

The Long Night Harry Bache Smith English

Who will watch thee, little mound,
  When a few more years are done,
    And I go with them to rest
    In the silence that is best?
  Grave of my belovëd one,
When that I mine own have found,
Who will watch thee, little mound?

Who will...

The long sigh of the Frog

The long sigh of the Frog

Upon a Summer's Day

Enacts intoxication

Upon the Revery —

But his receding Swell

Substantiates a Peace

That makes the Ear inordinate

For corporal release —

The Long-Nos'd Lass English
The longest day that God appoints

The little notes shall go as fast as steam can take them.

Our hearts already went. Would we could mail our faces for your dear encouragement.

      Remember The longest day that God appoints

      Will finish with the sun.


The look of thee, what is it like English

The look of thee, what is it like

Hast thou a hand or Foot

Or Mansion of Identity

And what is thy Pursuit?

Thy fellows are they realms or Themes

Hast thou Delight or Fear

Or Longing — and is that for...

The Looks of a Lover Enamoured George Gasgione 1554 Love

Thou, with thy looks, on whom I look full oft,
And find therein great cause of deep delight,
Thy face is fair, thy skin is smooth and soft,
Thy lips are sweet, thine eyes are clear and bright,
And every part seems pleasant in my sight;
Yet wote thou well, those...