Title Poet Year Written Collection Body
The Last Cup of Canary Helen Gray Cone English

So, the powder ’s low, and the larder ’s clean,
  And surrender drapes, with its blacks impending,
All the stage for a sorry and sullen scene:
  Yet indulge me my whim of a madcap ending!

Let us once more fill, ere the final chill,
  Every vein with the...

The Last Fight Lewis Frank Tooker English

That night I think that no one slept;
  No bells were struck, no whistle blew,
And when the watch was changed I crept
  From man to man of all the crew
With whispered orders. Though we swept
  Through roaring seas, we hushed the clock,

The Last Furrow Edwin Markham English

The spirit OF EARTH with still, restoring hands,
Mid ruin moves, in glimmering chasm gropes,
And mosses mantle and the bright flower opes;
But Death the Ploughman wanders in all lands,
And to the last of Earth his furrow stands.
The grave is never hidden:...

The Last Good-By Louise Chandler Moulton English

How shall we know it is the last good-by?
The skies will not be darkened in that hour,
No sudden blight will fall on leaf or flower,
No single bird will hush its careless cry,
And you will hold my hands, and smile or sigh
Just as before. Perchance the...

The Last Hunt William Roscoe Thayer English

Oh, it ’s twenty gallant gentlemen
  Rode out to hunt the deer,
With mirth upon the silver horn
  And gleam upon the spear;
They galloped through the meadow-grass,
  They sought the forest’s gloom,
And loudest rang Sir Moven’s laugh,

The Last Hunt William Roscoe Thayer English

Oh, it ’s twenty gallant gentlemen
  Rode out to hunt the deer,
With mirth upon the silver horn
  And gleam upon the spear;
They galloped through the meadow-grass,
  They sought the forest’s gloom,
And loudest rang Sir Morven’s laugh,

The Last Landlord Elizabeth Akers Allen 1852 English

You who dread the cares and labors
  Of the tenant’s annual quest,
  You who long for peace and rest,
And the quietest of neighbors,
  You may find them, if you will,
  In the city on the hill.

One indulgent landlord leases
  All the...

The Last Leaf Oliver Wendell Holmes English

I saw him once before,
As he passed by the door,
    And again
The pavement stones resound,
As he totters o’er the ground
    With his cane.

They say that in his prime,
Ere the pruning-knife of Time
    Cut him down,
Not a...

The Last Leaf Oliver Wendell Holmes English

I Saw him once before,
As he passed by the door;
    And again
The pavement-stones resound
As he totters o’er the ground
    With his cane.

They say that in his prime,
Ere the pruning-knife of time
    Cut him down,
Not a...

The Last Leaf Alexander Pushkin English

From the Russian by John Pollen
Ya Perezhil Svoï Zhelanya

I ’VE overlived aspirings,
  My fancies I disdain;
The fruit of hollow-heartedness,
  Sufferings alone remain.

’Neath cruel storms of Fate
  With my crown of bay,
A sad and...

The Last Man Thomas Campbell 1797 English

All worldly shapes shall melt in gloom,
The Sun himself must die,
Before this mortal shall assume
  Its immortality!
I saw a vision in my sleep,
That gave my spirit strength to sweep
  Adown the gulf of time!
I saw the last of human mould...

The last Night that She lived English

She mentioned, and forgot;

Then lightly as a reed

Bent to the water, shivered scarce,

Consented, and was dead.

And we, we placed the hair,

And drew the head erect;

And then an awful leisure was,...

The last of Summer is Delight — English

The last of Summer is Delight —

Deterred by Retrospect.

'Tis Ecstasy's revealed Review —

Enchantment's Syndicate.

To meet it — nameless as it is —

Without celestial Mail —

Audacious as without a...

The Last Reservation Walter Learned English

Sullen and dull, in the September day,
On the bank of the river,
They waited the boat that should bear them away
From their poor homes forever.

For progress strides on, and the order had gone
To these wards of the nation:
“Give us land and more...

The Last Ride Together Robert Browning 1832 Love

I said--Then, dearest, since 'tis so,
Since now at length my fate I know,
Since nothing all my love avails,
Since all, my life seem'd meant for, fails,
Since this was written and needs must be--
My whole heart rises up to bless
Your name in pride and...

The Latest Decalogue Arthur Hugh Clough 1839 English

Thou shalt have one God only: who
Would be at the expense of two?
No graven images may be
Worshipped, save in the currency.
Swear not at all; since for thy curse
Thine enemy is none the worse.
At church on Sunday to attend
Will serve to...

The Latter Day Thomas Hastings English

Hail to the brightness of Zion’s glad morning;
  Joy to the lands that in darkness have lain;
Hushed be the accents of sorrow and mourning;
  Zion in triumph begins her mild reign!

Hail to the brightness of Zion’s glad morning,
  Long by the prophets of...

The Latter Rain Jones Very English

The Latter rain,—it falls in anxious haste
Upon the sun-dried fields and branches bare,
Loosening with searching drops the rigid waste
As if it would each root’s lost strength repair;
But not a blade grows green as in the spring;
No swelling twig puts...

The Lawyer’s Invocation to Spring Henry Howard Brownell English

Whereas, on certain boughs and sprays
  Now divers birds are heard to sing,
And sundry flowers their heads upraise,
  Hail to the coming on of spring!

The songs of those said birds arouse
  The memory of our youthful hours,
As green as those said...

The Leaves like Women interchange

The Leaves like Women interchange

Exclusive Confidence —

Somewhat of nods and somewhat

Portentous inference.

The Parties in both cases

Enjoining secrecy —

Inviolable compact

To notoriety...