Title Poet Year Written Collection Body
The Daisy follows soft the Sun — English

The daisy follows soft the sun,

    And when his golden walk is done,

  Sits shyly at his feet.

He, walking, finds the flower near.


The Dalliance of the Eagles Walt Whitman 1839 English

Skirting the river road (my forenoon walk, my rest),
Skyward in air a sudden muffled sound, the dalliance of the eagles,
The rushing amorous contact high in space together,
The clinching interlocking claws, a living, fierce, gyrating wheel,
Four beating wings, two...

The Damp English

WHEN I am dead, and doctors know not why,
And my friends' curiosity

Will have me cut up to survey each part,

When they shall find your picture in my heart,

The Dance Anonymous English

[Published soon after the surrender of Cornwallis]

CORNWALLIS led a country dance,
  The like was never seen, sir,
Much retrograde and much advance,
  And all with General Greene, sir.

They rambled up and rambled down,
  Joined hands, then off...

The Dancer Ednah Proctor (Clarke) Hayes English

Skin creamy as the furled magnolia bud
  That stabs the dusky shadows of her hair;
Great startled eyes, and sudden-pulsing blood
  Staining her cheek and throat and shoulder bare.

        (Ah Manuelita!
        Lita Pepita!
        List the...

The Dancers Michael Field English

From Machaon and the Faun
I DANCE and dance! Another faun,
A black one, dances on the lawn.
He moves with me, and when I lift
My heels his feet directly shift:
I can’t outdance him though I try;
He dances nimbler than I.
I toss my head, and...

The Dancing Faun Robert Cameron Rogers English

Thou dancer of two thousand years,
  Thou dancer of to-day,
What silent music fills thine ears,
  What Bacchic lay,
That thou shouldst dance the centuries
  Down their forgotten way?

What mystic strain of pagan mirth
  Has charmed...

The Dancing of the Air Sir John Davies 1589 English

And now behold your tender nurse, the air,
  And common neighbor that aye runs around,
How many pictures and impressions fair
  Within her empty regions are there found,
  Which to your senses dancing do propound!
For what are breath, speech, echoes, music...

The Dandelion's pallid tube English

The Dandelion's pallid tube

Astonishes the Grass,

And Winter instantly becomes

An infinite Alas —

The tube uplifts a signal Bud

And then a shouting Flower, —

The Proclamation of the Suns


The Dark Angel English

DARK Angel, with thine aching lust

To rid the world of penitence:

Malicious Angel, who still dost

My soul such subtile violence!

Because of thee, no thought, no thing,

Abides for me undesecrate:


The Daughter of Mendoza Mirabeau Bonaparte Lamar English

O lend to me, sweet nightingale,
  Your music by the fountain,
And lend to me your cadences,
  O river of the mountain!
That I may sing my gay brunette,
A diamond spark in coral set,
Gem for a prince’s coronet—
  The daughter of Mendoza....

The Dawning o' the Year Mary Elizabeth Blake English

All ye who love the springtime—and who but loves it well
When the little birds do sing, and the buds begin to swell!—
Think not ye ken its beauty, or know its face so dear,
Till ye look upon old Ireland, in the dawning o’ the year!

For where in all the earth is...

The Day came slow — till Five o'clock — English

The Day came slow — till Five o'clock —

Then sprang before the Hills

Like Hindered Rubies — or the Light

A Sudden Musket — spills —

The Purple could not keep the East —

The Sunrise shook abroad


The Day grew small, surrounded tight

The Day grew small, surrounded tight

By early, stooping Night —

The Afternoon in Evening deep

Its Yellow shortness dropt —

The Winds went out their martial ways

The Leaves obtained excuse —

November hung...

The Day is Coming William Morris 1854 English

Come hither lads and hearken,
  for a tale there is to tell,
Of the wonderful days a-coming,
  when all shall be better than well.

And the tale shall be told of a country,
  a land in the midst of the sea,
And folk shall call it England...

The Day she goes English

The Day she goes

Or Day she stays

Are equally supreme —

Existence has a stated width

Departed, or at Home —

The Day that I was crowned English

The Day that I was crowned

Was like the other Days —

Until the Coronation came —

And then — 'twas Otherwise —

As Carbon in the Coal

And Carbon in the Gem

Are One — and yet the former


The Day undressed — Herself — English

The Day undressed — Herself —

Her Garter — was of Gold —

Her Petticoat — of Purple plain —

Her Dimities — as old

Exactly — as the World —

And yet the newest Star —

Enrolled upon the Hemisphere

The Daylight is Dying English

The daylight is dying

Away in the west,

The wild birds are flying

In silence to rest;

In leafage and frondage

Where shadows are deep,

They pass to its bondage --

The kingdom of sleep.

The Days Gone by James Whitcomb Riley 1869 English

O The DAYS gone by! O the days gone by!
The apples in the orchard, and the pathway through the rye;
The chirrup of the robin, and the whistle of the quail
As he piped across the meadows sweet as any nightingale;
When the bloom was on the clover, and the blue was...