Title Poet Year Written Collection Body
The Cocoa-Tree Charles Warren Stoddard English

Cast on the water by a careless hand,
  Day after day the winds persuaded me:
  Onward I drifted till a coral tree
Stayed me among its branches, where the sand
  Gathered about me, and I slowly grew,
  Fed by the constant sun and the inconstant dew.

The Coliseum Lord Byron English

From “Childe Harold,” Canto IV.
  ARCHES on arches! as it were that Rome,
  Collecting the chief trophies of her line,
  Would build up all her triumphs in one dome,
  Her Coliseum stands; the moonbeams shine
  As ’t were its natural torches, for divine...

The collected poems of James Elroy Flecker/Don Juan in Hell English

A great stone man rose like a tower on board,

   Stood at the helm and cleft the flood profound:

But the calm hero, leaning on his sword,

   Gazed back, and would not offer one look round.

The College Colonel Herman Melville English

He rides at their head;
  A crutch by his saddle just slants in view,
One slung arm is in splints you see,
  Yet he guides his strong steed—how coldly too.

He brings his regiment home,
  Not as they filed two years before;
But a remnant half-...

The Collegian to His Bride Anonymous English

From Punch
Being a Mathematical Madrigal in the Simplest Form

CHARMER, on a given straight line,
And which we will call B C,
Meeting at a common point A,
Draw the lines A C, A B.
But, my sweetest, so arrange it
That they ’re equal, all the...

The Color of a Queen, is this — English

The Color of a Queen, is this —

The Color of a Sun

At setting — this and Amber —

Beryl — and this, at Noon —

And when at night — Auroran widths

Fling suddenly on men —

'Tis this — and Witchcraft —...

The Color of the Grave is Green —

The Color of the Grave is Green —

The Outer Grave — I mean —

You would not know it from the Field —

Except it own a Stone —

To help the fond — to find it —

Too infinite asleep

To stop and tell them...

The Columbine English
The Comet Charles Sangster 1842 English

October, 1858
  ERRATIC Soul of some great Purpose, doomed
To track the wild illimitable space,
Till sure propitiation has been made
For the divine commission unperformed!
What was thy crime? Ahasuerus’ curse
Were not more stern on earth than thine...

The Common Doom James Shirley 1616 English

Victorious men of earth, no more
  Proclaim how wide your empires are:
Though you bind in every shore,
  And your triumphs reach as far
        As night or day,
  Yet you proud monarchs must obey,
And mingle with forgotten ashes, when

The competitions of the sky English

The competitions of the sky

Corrodeless ply.

The Compliment Eugene Field 1870 English

Arrayed in snow-white pants and vest,
  And other rainment fair to view,
  I stood before my sweetheart Sue—
The charming creature I love best.
“Tell me and does my costume suit?”
  I asked that apple of my eye—
  And then the charmer made reply,...

The Computation

For my first twenty years, since yesterday,
I scarce believed thou couldst be gone away;

For forty more I fed on favours past,
And forty on hopes...

The Condemned Edward Howland English

Read me no moral, priest, upon my life,—
    Reserve that for your flock.
A few short hours will end my mortal strife,
    Upon the gallows block.

Before the gaping crowd, who come to see
    A fellow mortal die,
Preach if you choose, and take...

The Conquered Banner Abram Joseph Ryan English

Furl that Banner, for ’t is weary;
Round its staff ’t is drooping dreary:
    Furl it, fold it,—it is best;
For there ’s not a man to wave it,
And there ’s not a sword to save it,
And there ’s not one left to lave it
In the blood which heroes gave...

The Conquered Banner Abram Joseph Ryan English

Furl that Banner, for ’t is weary;
Round its staff ’t is drooping dreary:
    Furl it, fold it,—it is best;
For there ’s not a man to wave it,
And there ’s not a sword to save it,
And there ’s not one left to lave it
In the blood which heroes gave...

The Conqueror Worm Edgar Allan Poe 1829 English

Lo! ’t is a gala night
  Within the lonesome latter years.
An angel throng, bewinged, bedight
  In veils, and drowned in tears,
Sit in a theatre to see
  A play of hopes and fears,
While the orchestra breathes fitfully
  The music of the...

The Conqueror's Grave William Cullen Bryant 1814 English

Within this lowly grave a Conqueror lies,
  And yet the monument proclaims it not,
  Nor round the sleeper’s name hath chisel wrought
The emblems of a fame that never dies,—
Ivy and amaranth, in a graceful sheaf,
Twined with the laurel’s fair, imperial...

The Conqueror’s Grave William Cullen Bryant 1814 English

Within this lowly grave a Conqueror lies,
  And yet the monument proclaims it not,
Nor round the sleeper’s name hath chisel wrought
  The emblems of a fame that never dies,
Ivy and amaranth in a graceful sheaf,
Twined with the laurel’s fair, imperial leaf...

The Constant Lover Sir John Suckling 1629 Love

Out upon it, I have loved
Three whole days together!
And am like to love three more,
If it prove fair weather.

Time shall moult away his wings
Ere he shall discover
In the whole wide world again
Such a constant lover.

But the spite on ‘t is, no...