Title Poet Year Written Collection Body
When the voices of children are heard on the green English

 * * *

When the voices of children are heard on the green,

And whisperings are in the dale,

The [desires del.] days of my youth rise fresh in my mind,

My face turns green & pale.


When they come back — if Blossoms do — English

When they come back — if Blossoms do —

I always feel a doubt

If Blossoms can be born again

When once the Art is out —

When they begin, if Robins may,

I always had a fear

I did not tell, it was their...

When we have ceased to care

When we have ceased to care

The Gift is given

For which we gave the Earth

And mortgaged Heaven

But so declined in worth

'Tis ignominy now

To look upon —

When we stand on the tops of Things — English

When we stand on the tops of Things —

And like the Trees, look down —

The smoke all cleared away from it —

And Mirrors on the scene —

Just laying light — no soul will wink

Except it have the flaw —


When We Two Parted Lord George Gordon Byron 1808 Love

When we two parted
In silence and tears,
Half broken-hearted,
To sever for years,
Pale grew thy cheek and cold,
Colder thy kiss;
Truly that hour foretold
Sorrow to this.

The dew of the morning
Sank chill on my brow
It felt like the warning...

When Will Love Come? Pakenham Beatty English

Some find Love late, some find him soon,
  Some with the rose in May,
Some with the nightingale in June,
  And some when skies are gray;
Love comes to some with smiling eyes,
  And comes with tears to some;
For some Love sings, for some Love sighs...

When You Are Old William Butler Yeats 1893 Love

When you are old and grey and full of sleep,
And nodding by the fire, take down this book,
And slowly read, and dream of the soft look
Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;

How many loved your moments of glad grace,
And loved your beauty with love false or...

When you look at a picture you always can see English

* * *

When you look at a picture you always can see

If a Man of Sense has Painted he

Then never flinch but keep up a Jaw

About freedom & jenny suck awa'...

When, Dearest, I but Think of Thee Sir John Suckling 1629 Love


When, dearest, I but think of thee,
Methinks all things that lovely be
Are present, and my soul delighted:
For beauties that from worth arise
Are like the grace of deities,
Still present with us, tho’ unsighted.

Thus while I sit and sigh the day

Whenever a Little Child Is Born Agnes Carter Mason English

Whenever a little child is born,
All night a soft wind rocks the corn;
One more buttercup wakes to the morn,
    Somewhere, somewhere.

One more rosebud shy will unfold,
One more grass-blade push through the mold,
One more bird-song the air will...

Where bells no more affright the morn — English

Where bells no more affright the morn —

Where scrabble never comes —

Where very nimble Gentlemen

Are forced to keep their rooms —

Where tired Children placid sleep

Thro' Centuries of noon

This place...

Where every bird is bold to go

Where every bird is bold to go

And bees abashless play,

The foreigner before he knocks

Must thrust the tears away.

Where Helen Comes John Jerome Rooney English

Where Helen comes, as falls the dew,
Where Helen comes Peace cometh too!
From out the golden, western lands,
White lilies blooming in her lands,
A light of beauty in her face,
She passeth on with nameless grace.
Before her fly the shades of life—...

Where Helen Sits Laura Elizabeth Richards English

Where helen sits, the darkness is so deep,
  No golden sunbeam strikes athwart the gloom;
No mother’s smile, no glance of loving eyes,
  Lightens the shadow of that lonely room.

Yet the clear whiteness of her radiant soul
  Decks the dim walls, like...

Where Hudson's Wave George Pope Morris English

Where hudson’s wave o’er silvery sands
  Winds through the hills afar,
Old Cronest like a monarch stands,
  Crowned with a single star!
And there, amid the billowy swells
  Of rock-ribbed, cloud-capped earth,
My fair and gentle Ida dwells,...

Where I have lost, I softer tread —

Where I have lost, I softer tread —

I sow sweet flower from garden bed —

I pause above that vanished head

And mourn.

Whom I have lost, I pious guard

From accent harsh, or ruthless word —

Feeling as...

Where Roses would not dare to go, English

Where Roses would not dare to go,

What Heart would risk the way —

And so I send my Crimson Scouts

To sound the Enemy —

Where Ships of Purple — gently toss — English

Where Ships of Purple — gently toss —

On Seas of Daffodil —

Fantastic Sailors — mingle —

And then — the Wharf is still!

Where Thou art — that — is Home —

Where Thou art — that — is Home —

Cashmere — or Calvary — the same —

Degree — or Shame —

I scarce esteem Location's Name —

So I may Come —

What Thou dost — is Delight —

Bondage as Play — be sweet —...

Whether my bark went down at sea — English

Whether my bark went down at sea,

Whether she met with gales,

Whether to isles enchanted

She bent her docile sails ;

By what mystic mooring...