Title Poet Year Written Collection Body
When I Was One-and-Twenty A. E. Housman 1896 Love

When I was one-and-twenty
I heard a wise man say,
‘Give crowns and pounds and guineas
But not your heart away;
Give pearls away and rubies
But keep your fancy free.’
But I was one-and-twenty,
No use to talk to me.

When I was one-and-twenty

When I was small, a Woman died — English

When I was small, a Woman died —

Today — her Only Boy

Went up from the Potomac —

His face all Victory

To look at her — How slowly

The Seasons must have turned

Till Bullets clipt an Angle


When Katie walks, this simple pair accompany her side, English

When Katie walks, this simple pair accompany her side,

When Katie runs unwearied they follow on the road,

When Katie kneels, their loving hands still clasp her pious knee —

Ah! Katie! Smile at Fortune, with two so knit to thee!

When Klopstock England defied English

If Blake could do this when he rose up from shite

What might he not do if he sat down to write[4]

When Love Comes Knocking William Henry Gardner English

When love comes knocking at thy gate,
  Bid him at once depart:
He will be patient, and will wait
  The bidding of thy heart.

Tell him he knocketh there in vain;
  That he may ne’er come in:
He ’ll smiling leave, but come again,

When Memory is full English

When Memory is full

Put on the perfect Lid —

This Morning's finest syllable

Presumptuous Evening said —

When Nature Hath Betrayed the Heart That Loved Her Sophie Jewett English

The gray waves rock against the gray skyline,
  And break complaining on the long gray sand,
  Here where I sit, who cannot understand
Their voice of pain, nor this dumb pain of mine;

For I, who thought to fare till my days end,
  Armed sorrow-proof in...

When Night is almost done — English

When Night is almost done —

And Sunrise grows so near

That we can touch the Spaces —

It's time to smooth the Hair —

And get the Dimples ready —

And wonder we could care

For that old — faded Midnight...

When One has given up One's life English

When One has given up One's life

The parting with the rest

Feels easy, as when Day lets go

Entirely the West

The Peaks, that lingered last

Remain in Her regret

As scarcely as the Iodine


When Roses cease to bloom, Sir, English

When Roses cease to bloom, Sir,

And Violets are done —

When Bumblebees in solemn flight

Have passed beyond the Sun —

The hand that paused to gather

Upon this Summer's day

Will idle lie — in Auburn —

When She Comes Home James Whitcomb Riley 1869 English

When she comes home again! A thousand ways
I fashion, to myself, the tenderness
Of my glad welcome: I shall tremble—yes;
And touch her, as when first in the old days
I touched her girlish hand, nor dared upraise
Mine eyes, such was my faint heart’s sweet...

When Summer Comes
When the Astronomer stops seeking English

When the Astronomer stops seeking

For his Pleiad's Face —

When the lone British Lady

Forsakes the Arctic Race

When to his Covenant Needle

The Sailor doubting turns —

It will be amply early

When the Cows Come Home Agnes E. Mitchell English

    WITH klingle, klangle, klingle,
    Way down the dusty dingle,
    The cows are coming home;
Now sweet and clear, and faint and low,
The airy tinklings come and go,
Like chimings from some far-off tower,
Or patterings of an April shower...

When the Grass Shall Cover Me Ina Coolbrith English

  when the grass shall cover me,
Head to foot where I am lying;
    When not any wind that blows,
    Summer blooms nor winter snows,
Shall awake me to your sighing:
    Close above me as you pass,
    You will say, “How kind she was,”

When the Great Gray Ships Come In Guy Wetmore Carryl English

To eastward ringing, to westward winging, o’er mapless miles of sea,
On winds and tides the gospel rides that the furthermost isles are free,
And the furthermost isles make answer, harbor, and height, and hill,
Breaker and beach cry each to each, “’T is the Mother who...

When the Kye comes Hame James Hogg 1790 English

Come, all ye jolly shepherds
  That whistle through the glen,
I ’ll tell ye of a secret
  That courtiers dinna ken:
What is the greatest bliss
  That the tongue o’ man can name?
’T is to woo a bonny lassie
  When the kye comes hame!...

When the Lamp is Shattered Percy Bysshe Shelley 1812 Love

When the lamp is shattered
The light in the dust lies dead -
When the cloud is scattered,
The rainbow's glory is shed.
When the lute is broken,
Sweet tones are remembered not;
When the lips have spoken,
Loved accents are soon forgot.
As music and...

When the Most Is Said Mary Ainge De Vere English

What ’s love, when the most is said? The flash of the lightning fleet,
Then, darkness that shrouds the soul,—but the earth is firm to my feet;
The rocks and the tides endure, the grasses and herbs return,
The path to my foot is sure, and the sods to my bosom yearn.

When the Sultan Goes to Ispahan Thomas Bailey Aldrich English

  when the Sultan Shah-Zaman
Goes to the city Ispahan,
Even before he gets so far
As the place where the clustered palm-trees are,
At the last of the thirty palace-gates,
The flower of the harem, Rose-in-Bloom,
Orders a feast in his favorite room—...