The Nation’s Prayer

[1861] i. before Thy Throne we bow: O God, our shield be Thou From Treason’s rage! In faith we look to Thee, Our strength in Heav’n we see, Defender of the free, In ev’ry age. II. Our follies we confess: O God, forgive and bless! Let Mercy’s light Illumine this dark hour, When war clouds o’er us lower, And Thine eternal power Defend the right! III. Our Pilgrim fathers sleep, The ocean, broad and deep, Beside their graves. When Thine archangel cries, Forbid that they should rise To crowns in Paradise From soil of slaves! IV. Protect our armies, Lord, And when they draw the sword In freedom’s name, Strike Thou for them the blow, Overwhelm the vaunting foe, And bury Treason low, In deathless shame! V. Let Liberty arise, Her glory fill the skies, The world be free! Let all adore Thy name, And children lisp Thy fame— Let earth and heav’n proclaim The jubilee!

Sub Title: 
I. Patriotism

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