A Little Child’s Hymn

For Night and Morning THOU that once, on mother’s knee, Wast a little one like me, When I wake or go to bed Lay thy hands about my head: Let me feel thee very near, Jesus Christ, our Saviour dear. Be beside me in the light, Close by me through all the night; Make me gentle, kind, and true, Do what mother bids me do; Help and cheer me when I fret, And forgive when I forget. Once wast thou in cradle laid, Baby bright in manger-shade, With the oxen and the cows, And the lambs outside the house: Now thou art above the sky: Canst thou hear a baby cry? Thou art nearer when we pray, Since thou art so far away; Thou my little hymn wilt hear, Jesus Christ, our Saviour dear, Thou that once, on mother’s knee, Wast a little one like me.

Sub Title: 
Poems of Home: II. For Children

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