To Fidessa

From Fidessa TONGUE! never cease to sing Fidessa’s praise; Heart! howe’er she deserve, conceive the best; Eyes! stand amazed to see her beauty’s rays; Lips! steal one kiss and be for ever blessed; Hands! touch that hand wherein your life is closed; Breast! lock up fast in thee thy life’s sole treasure; Arms! still embrace, and never be disclosed; Feet! run to her without or pace or measure, Tongue! heart! eyes! lips! hands! breast! arms! feet! Consent to do true homage to your Queen: Lovely, fair, gent, wise, virtuous, sober, sweet, Whose like shall never be, hath never been! O that I were all tongue her praise to show! Then surely my poor heart were freed from woe.

Sub Title: 
VII. Love’s Power

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