
Now Camilla’s fair fingers are plucking in rapture the pulsating strings, And her far-away eyes are intent on the scene and the story she sings— Singing her song of Felipe, her hero intrepid and true; Singing his praise, and recounting what deeds for her love he would do. See the wild race after cattle, the broncho’s wide nostrils blood red; Hear the hello of the herder, Felipe, who dashes ahead! Hist, how the lariat sings as it flies o’er the horns of a steer! See the wild plunge, and the horse standing firm—hear the bellow of fear! Then on the trail of Apaches, who leads the long marches by night? Who but Felipe would dare to press on o’er the mesa to fight? Who but Felipe sits firm in his saddle when rifles ring out in the dark? Coolly he levels his weapon, the bullet flies true to its mark. Such is the song sweet Camilla is singing with gaze far-away— Such is the song, for she knows not how long her Felipe will stay— Knows not that lone in the waste of the sage-brush her master lies, slain— Ah, sweet Camilla, thy songs for Felipe, the fearless, are vain!


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  • Now Camilla’s fair fingers are plucking in rapture the pulsating strings, And her far-away eyes are intent on the scene and the story she sings— Singing her song of Felipe, her hero intrepid and true; Singing his praise, and recounting what deeds for her love he would do. See the wild race after...