The Approach of Age

From “Tales of the Hall” SIX years had passed, and forty ere the six, When Time began to play his usual tricks: The locks once comely in a virgin’s sight, Locks of pure brown, displayed the encroaching white; The blood, once fervid, now to cool began, And Time’s strong pressure to subdue the man. I rode or walked as I was wont before, But now the bounding spirit was no more; A moderate pace would now my body heat, A walk of moderate length distress my feet. I showed my stranger guest those hills sublime, But said, “The view is poor, we need not climb.” At a friend’s mansion I began to dread The cold neat parlor and the gay glazed bed; At home I felt a more decided taste, And must have all things in my order placed. I ceased to hunt; my horses pleased me less,— My dinner more; I learned to play at chess. I took my dog and gun, but saw the brute Was disappointed that I did not shoot. My morning walks I now could bear to lose, And blessed the shower that gave me not to choose. In fact, I felt a languor stealing on; The active arm, the agile hand, were gone; Small daily actions into habits grew, And new dislike to forms and fashions new. I loved my trees in order to dispose; I numbered peaches, looked how stocks arose; Told the same story oft,—in short, began to prose.

Sub Title: 
III. Adversity

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