An American Girl

She ’s had a Vassar education, And points with pride to her degrees; She ’s studied household decoration; She knows a dado from a frieze, And tells Corots from Boldonis; A Jacquemart etching, or a Haden, A Whistler, too, perchance might please A free and frank young Yankee maiden. She does not care for meditation; Within her bonnet are no bees; She has a gentle animation, She joins in singing simple glees. She tries no trills, no rivalries With Lucca (now Baronin Räden), With Nilsson or with Gerster; she ’s A frank and free young Yankee maiden I ’m blessed above the whole creation, Far, far above all other he ’s; I ask you for congratulation On this the best of jubilees: I go with her across the seas Unto what Poe would call an Aiden,— I hope no serpent’s there to tease A frank and free young Yankee maiden. ENVOY Princes, to you the western breeze Bears many a ship and heavy laden. What is the best we send in these? A free and frank young Yankee maiden.


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  • She ’s had a Vassar education, And points with pride to her degrees; She ’s studied household decoration; She knows a dado from a frieze, And tells Corots from Boldonis; A Jacquemart etching, or a Haden, A Whistler, too, perchance might please A free and frank young Yankee maiden. She...