• Tossing his mane of snows in wildest eddies and tangles,
      Lion-like, March cometh in, hoarse, with tempestuous breath,
    Through all the moaning chimneys, and thwart all the hollows and angles
      Round the shuddering house, threating of winter and death.

    But in my heart I feel the life of the wood and the meadow
      Thrilling the pulses that own kindred...

  • The colonel rode by his picket-line
      In the pleasant morning sun,
    That glanced from him far off to shine
      On the crouching rebel picket’s gun.

    From his command the captain strode
      Out with a grave salute,
    And talked with the colonel as he rode:—
      The picket levelled his piece to shoot.

    The colonel rode and the captain...

  • Innocent spirits, bright, immaculate ghosts!
    Why throng your heavenly hosts,
    As eager for their birth
    In this sad home of death, this sorrow-haunted earth?

    Beware! Beware! Content you where you are,
    And shun this evil star,
    Where we who are doomed to die
    Have our brief being, and pass, we know not where or why.

    We have not to...

  • Sometimes, when after spirited debate
    Of letters or affairs, in thought I go
    Smiling unto myself, and all aglow
    With some immediate purpose, and elate
    As if my little, trivial scheme were great,
    And what I would so were already so:
    Suddenly I think of her that died, and know,
    Whatever friendly or unfriendly fate
    Befall me in my...

  • If

    Yes, death is at the bottom of the cup,
    And every one that lives must drink it up;
    And yet between the sparkle at the top
    And the black lees where lurks that bitter drop,
    There swims enough good liquor, Heaven knows,
    To ease our hearts of all their other woes.
    The bubbles rise in sunshine at the brim;
    That drop below is very far and dim;...

  • We sailed and sailed upon the desert sea
    Where for whole days we alone seemed to be.
    At last we saw a dim, vague line arise
    Between the empty billows and the skies,
    That grew and grew until it wore the shape
    Of cove and inlet, promontory and cape;
    Then hills and valleys, rivers, fields, and woods,
    Steeples and roofs, and village...

  • Within a poor man’s squalid home I stood:
    The one bare chamber, where his work-worn wife
    Above the stove and wash-tub passed her life,
    Next the sty where they slept with all their brood.
    But I saw not that sunless, breathless lair,
    The chamber’s sagging roof and reeking floor;
    The smeared walls, broken sash, and battered door;

  • Before him weltered like a shoreless sea
    The souls of them that had not sought to be,
    With all their guilt upon them, and they cried,
    They that had sinned from hate and lust and pride,
    “Thou that didst make us what we might become,
    Judge us!” The Judge of all the earth was dumb;
    But high above them, in His sovereign place,
    He lifted up...

  • If i lay waste and wither up with doubt
    The blessed fields of heaven where once my faith
    Possessed itself serenely safe from death;
    If I deny the things past finding out;
    Or if I orphan my own soul of One
    That seemed a Father, and make void the place
    Within me where He dwelt in power and grace,
    What do I gain by that I have undone?

  • “come a little nearer, Doctor,—thank you,—let me take the cup:
    Draw your chair up,—draw it closer,—just another little sup!
    May be you may think I ’m better; but I ’m pretty well used up:—
      Doctor, you’ve done all you could do, but I ’m just a going up!

    “Feel my pulse, sir, if you want to, but it ain’t much use to try:”—
    “Never say that,” said the...