• At the king’s gate the subtle noon
      Wove filmy yellow nets of sun;
    Into the drowsy snare too soon
        The guards fell one by one.

    Through the king’s gate, unquestioned then,
      A beggar went, and laughed, “This brings
    Me chance at last, to see if men
        Fare better, being kings.”

    The king sat bowed beneath his crown,...

  • In what a strange bewilderment do we
    Awake each morn from out the brief night’s sleep.
    Our struggling consciousness doth grope and creep
    Its slow way back, as if it could not free
    Itself from bonds unseen. Then Memory,
    Like sudden light, outflashes from its deep
    The joy or grief which it had last to keep
    For us; and by the joy or grief we...

  • With sails full set, the ship her anchor weighs.
    Strange names shine out beneath her figure head.
    What glad farewells with eager eyes are said!
    What cheer for him who goes, and him who stays!
    Fair skies, rich lands, new homes, and untried days
    Some go to seek: the rest but wait instead,
    Watching the way wherein their comrades led,

  • Along ancona’s hills the shimmering heat,
    A tropic tide of air, with ebb and flow
    Bathes all the fields of wheat until they glow
    Like flashing seas of green, which toss and beat
    Around the vines. The poppies lithe and fleet
    Seem running, fiery torchmen, to and fro
    To mark the shore. The farmer does not know
    That they are there. He walks...

  • Father, i scarcely dare to pray,
      So clear I see, now it is done,
    That I have wasted half my day,
      And left my work but just begun;

    So clear I see that things I thought
      Were right or harmless were a sin;
    So clear I see that I have sought,
      Unconscious, selfish aims to win;

    So clear I see that I have hurt

  • My body, eh? Friend Death, how now?
      Why all this tedious pomp of writ?
    Thou hast reclaimed it sure and slow
      For half a century, bit by bit.

    In faith thou knowest more to-day
      Than I do, where it can be found!
    This shriveled lump of suffering clay,
      To which I now am chained and bound,

    Has not of kith or kin a trace...

  • A year ago how often did I meet
    Under these elms, once more in sober bloom,
    Thy tall, sad figure pacing down the street,—
    But now the robin sings above thy tomb.
    Thy name on other shores may ne’er be known,
    Though austere Rome no graver Consul knew;
    But Massachusetts her true son doth own:
    Out of her soil thy hardy virtues grew.

  • Sweet saint! whose rising dawned upon the sight
    Like fair Aurora chasing mists away,
    Our ocean billows, and thy western height
    Gave back reflections of the tender ray,
    Sparkling and smiling as night turned to day:—
    Ah! whither vanished that celestial light?
    Suns rise and set, Monadnoc’s amethyst
    Year-long above the sullen cloud appears,...

  • His cherished woods are mute. The stream glides down
    The hill as when I knew it years ago;
    The dark, pine arbor with its priestly gown
    Stands hushed, as if our grief it still would show;
    The silver springs are cupless, and the flow
    Of friendly feet no more bereaves the grass,
    For he is absent who was wont to pass
    Along this wooded path....

  • A ball of fire shoots through the tamarack
    In scarlet splendor, on voluptuous wings;
    Delirious joy the pyrotechnist brings,
    Who marks for us high summer’s almanac.
    How instantly the red-coat hurtles back!
    No fiercer flame has flashed beneath the sky.
    Note now the rapture in his cautious eye,
    The conflagration lit along his track.