• If i shall ever win the home in heaven
    For whose sweet rest I humbly hope and pray,
    In the great company of the forgiven
    I shall be sure to find old Daniel Gray.

    I knew him well; in truth, few knew him better;
    For my young eyes oft read for him the Word,
    And saw how meekly from the crystal letter
    He drank the life of his beloved Lord....

  • What is the little one thinking about?
    Very wonderful things, no doubt!
        Unwritten history!
        Unfathomed mystery!
    Yet he laughs and cries, and eats and drinks,
    And chuckles and crows, and nods and winks,
    As if his head were as full of kinks
    And curious riddles as any sphinx!
        Warped by colic, and wet by tears,

  •     there ’s a song in the air!
        There ’s a star in the sky!
        There ’s a mother’s deep prayer
        And a baby’s low cry!
    And the star rains its fire while the Beautiful sing,
    For the manger of Bethlehem cradles a king.

        There ’s a tumult of joy
        O’er the wonderful birth,
        For the virgin’s sweet boy

  • He rides at their head;
      A crutch by his saddle just slants in view,
    One slung arm is in splints you see,
      Yet he guides his strong steed—how coldly too.

    He brings his regiment home,
      Not as they filed two years before;
    But a remnant half-tattered, and battered, and worn,
    Like castaway sailors, who, stunned
        By the surf’s...

  • Aloft he guards the starry folds
      Who is the brother of the star;
    The bird whose joy is in the wind
      Exulteth in the war.

    No painted plume—a sober hue,
      His beauty is his power;
    That eager calm of gaze intent
      Foresees the Sibyl’s hour.

    Austere, he crowns the swaying perch,
      Flapped by the angry flag;

  • Happy are they and charmed in life
      Who through long wars arrive unscarred
    At peace. To such the wreath be given,
    If they unfalteringly have striven—
      In honor, as in limb, unmarred.
    Let cheerful praise be rife,
      And let them live their years at ease,
    Musing on brothers who victorious died—
      Loved mates whose memory shall ever...

  • Silence and Solitude may hint
      (Whose home is in yon piny wood)
    What I, though tableted, could never tell—
    The din which here befell,
      And striving of the multitude.
    The iron cones and spheres of death
      Set round me in their rust,—
        These, too, if just,
    Shall speak with more than animated breath.
      Thou who beholdest...

  • While now the Pole Star sinks from sight
      The Southern Cross it climbs the sky;
    But losing thee, my love, my light,
    O bride but for one bridal night,
      The loss no rising joys supply.

    Love, love, the Trade Winds urge abaft,
    And thee, from thee, they steadfast waft.

    By day the blue and silver sea
      And chime of waters blandly...

  • Through storms you reach them and from storms are free.
      Afar descried, the foremost drear in hue,
    But, nearer, green; and, on the marge, the sea
      Makes thunder low and mist of rainbowed dew.

    But, inland,—where the sleep that folds the hills
    A dreamier sleep, the trance of God, instils,—
      On uplands hazed, in wandering airs aswoon,

  •   see, from this counterfeit of him
    Whom Arno shall remember long,
      How stern of lineament, how grim,
    The father was of Tuscan song:
    There but the burning sense of wrong,
      Perpetual care and scorn, abide;
    Small friendship for the lordly throng;
      Distrust of all the world beside.

      Faithful if this wan image be,