• My body answers you, my blood
    Leaps at your maddening, piercing call
    The fierce notes startle, and the veil
    Of this dull present seems to fall.
      My soul responds to that long cry;
      It wants its country, Hungary!

    Not mine by birth. Yet have I not
    Some strain of that old Magyar race?
    Else why the secret stir of sense

  • In thy coach of state
      Pass, O King, along:
    He no envy feels
      To whom God giveth song.

    Starving, still I smile,
      Laugh at want and wrong:
    He is fed and crowned
      To whom God giveth song.

    Better than all pomps
      That to rank belong,—
    One such dream as his
      To whom God giveth song.

    Let us...

  • I Went to dig a grave for Love,
      But the earth was so stiff and cold
    That, though I strove through the bitter night,
      I could not break the mould.

    And I said: “Must he lie in my house in state,
      And stay in his wonted place?
    Must I have him with me another day,
      With that awful change in his face?”

  • I Ask not how thy suffering came,
    Or if by sin, or if by shame,
    Or if by Fate’s capricious rulings:
      To my large pity all’s the same.

    Come close and lean against a heart
    Eaten by pain and stung by smart;
    It is enough if thou hast suffered,—
      Brother or sister then thou art.

    We will not speak of what we know,

  • How can it be that I forget
      The way he phrased my doom,
    When I recall the arabesques
      That carpeted the room?

    How can it be that I forget
      His look and mien that hour,
    When I recall I wore a rose,
      And still can smell the flower?

    How can it be that I forget
      Those words that were the last,
    When I recall...

  • Green blood fresh pulsing through the trees,
      Blacks buds, that sun and shower distend;
    All other things begin anew,
      But I must end.

    Warm sunlight on faint-colored sward,
      Warm fragrance in the breezes’ breath;
    For other things art heat and life,
      For me is death.

  • I Made the cross myself whose weight
      Was later laid on me.
    This thought is torture as I toil
      Up life’s steep Calvary.

    To think mine own hands drove the nails!
      I sang a merry song,
    And chose the heaviest wood I had
      To build it firm and strong.

    If I had guessed—if I had dreamed
      Its weight was meant for me,...

  • I Shall go out when the light comes in—
      There lie my cast-off form and face;
    I shall pass Dawn on her way to earth,
      As I seek for a path through space.

    I shall go out when the light comes in;
      Would I might take one ray with me!
    It is blackest night between the worlds,
      And how is a soul to see?

  • Thank God that shall judge my soul, not man!
        I marvel when they say,
        “Think of that awful Day
    No pitying fellow-sinner’s eyes shall scan
        With tolerance thy soul,
        But His who knows the whole,
    The God whom all men own is wholly just.”
        Hold thou that last word dear,
        And live untouched by fear.
    He knows...

  • Across the sombre prairie sea
    The dark swells billow heavily.
    Are the looming ridges near of far
    That heave to the smooth horizon-bar?

    The russet reach of grassy roll
    Sickens the heart and numbs the soul;
    The thin wind gives no air for breath;
    The stillness is the pause of death.

    This width was never shaped to be