• Out of a cavern on Parnassus’ side,
    Flows Castaly; and with the flood outblown
    From its deep heart of ice, the mountain’s breath
    Tempers the ardor of the Delphian vale.
    Beside the stream from the black mould upsprings
    Narcissus, robed in snow, with ruby crowned.
    Long ranks of crocus, humble servitors,
    But clad in purple, mark his downcast...

  •   my prow is tending toward the west,
    Old voices growing faint, dear faces dim,
      And all that I have loved the best
    Far back upon the waste of memory swim.
      My old world disappears:
      Few hopes and many fears
        Accompany me.

      But from the distance fair
    A sound of birds, a glimpse of pleasant skies,
      A scent of...

  • Dismiss your apprehension, pseudo bard,
      For no one wishes to disturb these stones,
    Nor cares if here or in the outer yard
      They stow your impudent, deceitful bones.

    Your foolish-colored bust upon the wall,
      With its preposterous expanse of brow,
    Shall rival Humpty Dumpty’s famous fall,
      And cheats no cultured Boston people now....

  • A baby lying on his mother’s breast
        Draws life from that sweet fount;
            He takes his rest
            And heaves deep sighs;
            With brooding eyes
            Of soft content
    She shelters him within that fragrant nest,
        And scarce refrains from crushing him
            With tender violence,
        His rosebud mouth,...

  • Something more than the lilt of the strain,
      Something more than the touch of the lute;
    For the voice of the minstrel is vain,
      If the heart of the minstrel is mute.

  • He crawls along the mountain walls,
    From whence the severed river falls;
    Its seething waters writhe and twist,
    Then leap, and crumble into mist.
    Midway between two boundless seas,
    Prone on a ragged reef he lies;
    Above him bend the shoreless skies,
    While helpless, on his bended knees,
    Into that awful gulf profound,

  • Don juan has ever the grand old air,
    As he greets me with courtly grace;
    Like a crown of glory the snow-white hair
    That halos his swarthy face;
    And he says, with a courtesy rare and fine,
    As he ushers me in at the door,
    “Panchita mia will bring us the wine,
    And the casa is yours, señor.”
    His fourscore years have a tranquil cast,...

  • Tinged with the blood of Aztec lands,
    Sphinx-like, the tawny herdsman stands,
    A coiled reata in his hands.
    Devoid of hope, devoid of fear,
    Half brigand and half cavalier,—
    This helot, with imperial grace,
    Wears ever on his tawny face
    A sad, defiant look of pain.
    Left by the fierce iconoclast
    A living fragment of the past,...

  • Unmoored, unmanned, unheeded on the deep—
    Tossed by the restless billow and the breeze,
    It drifts o’er sultry leagues of tropic seas,
    Where long Pacific surges swell and sweep.
    When pale-faced stars their silent watches keep,
    From their far rhythmic spheres, the Pleiades,
    In calm beatitude and tranquil ease,
    Smile sweetly down upon its...

  • Thou who ordainest, for the land’s salvation,
    Famine, and fire, and sword, and lamentation,
    Now unto Thee we lift our supplication,—
            O, save the Nation!

    By the great sign foretold of Thy appearing,
    Coming in clouds, while mortal men stand fearing,
    Show us, amid the smoke of battle clearing,
            Thy chariot nearing.
