• Up Life's Hill with my little Bundle

    If I prove it steep —

    If a Discouragement withhold me —

    If my newest step

    Older feel than the Hope that prompted —

    Spotless be from blame

    Heart that proposed as Heart that accepted

    Homelessness, for Home —

  • Upon a Lilac Sea

    To toss incessantly

    His Plush Alarm

    Who fleeing from the Spring

    The Spring avenging fling

    To Dooms of Balm

  • Full thirty frosts since thou wert young

       Have chill'd the wither'd grove,

    Thou wretch! and hast thou liv'd so long,

       Nor yet forgot to love?

    Ye Sages! spite of your pretences

       To wisdom, you must own

    Your folly frequently commences

       When you acknowledge none.


  • Upon Concluded Lives

    There's nothing cooler falls —

    Than Life's sweet Calculations —

    The mixing Bells and Palls —

    Make Lacerating Tune —

    To Ears the Dying Side —

    'Tis Coronal — and Funeral —

    Saluting — in the Road —

  • Upon his Saddle sprung a Bird

    And crossed a thousand Trees

    Before a Fence without a Fare

    His Fantasy did please

    And then he lifted up his Throat

    And squandered such a Note

    A Universe that overheard

    Is stricken by it yet —

  • Upon the gallows hung a wretch,

    Too sullied for the hell

    To which the law entitled him.

    As nature's curtain fell

    The one who bore him tottered in , —

    For this was woman's son.

    "'Twere all I had," she stricken gasped —

    Oh, what a livid boon!

  • I'll tell thee now (dear love) what thou shalt do
    To anger destiny, as she doth us;
    How I shall stay, though she eloign me thus,

    And how posterity shall know it too;
    How thine may out-...

  • Your gran'ma, in her youth, was quite

       As blithe a little maid as you.

    And, though her hair is snowy white,

       Her eyes still have their maiden blue,

    And on her checks, as fair as thine,

       Methinks a girlish blush would glow

    If she recalled the valentine

       She got, ah! many years ago....

  • I am monarch of all I survey,

        My right there is none to dispute;

    From the center all round to the sea

        I am lord of the fowl and the brute.

    O solitude! where are the charms

        That sages have seen in thy face?

    Better dwell in the midst of alarms

        Than reign in this horrible...

  • Fortune! I thank thee: gentle Goddess! thanks!

    Not that my muse, tho' bashful, shall deny

    She would have thank'd thee rather, hadst thou cast

    A treasure in her way; for neither meed

    Of early breakfast, to dispel the fumes

    And bowel-raking pains of emptiness,

    Nor noontide feast, nor ev'ning's cool...