• Two butterflies went out at Noon —

    And waltzed upon a Farm —

    Then stepped straight through the Firmament

    And rested, on a Beam —

    And then — together bore away

    Upon a shining Sea —

    Though never yet, in any Port —

    Their coming, mentioned — be —

    If spoken by the distant...

  • It was shearing time at the Myall Lake,

    And then rose the sound through the livelong day

    Of the constant clash that the shear-blades make

    When the fastest shearers are making play;

    But there wasn't a man in the shearers' lines

    That could shear a sheep with the two Devines.

    They had rung the sheds...

  • Two Lengths has every Day —

    Its absolute extent

    And Area superior

    By Hope or Horror lent —

    Eternity will be

    Velocity or Pause

    At Fundamental Signals

    From Fundamental Laws.

    To die is not to go —

    On Doom's consummate Chart

    No Territory new is...

  • Two Travellers perishing in Snow

    The Forests as they froze

    Together heard them strengthening

    Each other with the words

    That Heaven if Heaven — must contain

    What Either left behind

    And then the cheer too solemn grew

    For language, and the wind

    Long steps across the...

  • Two — were immortal twice —

    The privilege of few —

    Eternity — obtained — in Time —

    Reversed Divinity —

    That our ignoble Eyes

    The quality conceive

    Of Paradise superlative —

    Through their Comparative.

  • It little profits that an idle king,

    By this still hearth, among these barren crags,

    Match'd with an aged wife, I mete and dole

    Unequal laws unto a savage race,

    That hoard, and sleep, and feed, and know not me.

    I cannot rest from travel: I will drink

    Life to the lees; all times I have enjoy'd

  • Uncertain lease — develops lustre

    On Time

    Uncertain Grasp, appreciation

    Of Sum —

    The shorter Fate — is oftener the chiefest


    Inheritors upon a tenure

    Prize —

  • My Uncle Bill! My Uncle Bill!

    How doth my heart with anguish thrill!

    For he, our chief, our Robin Hood,

    Has gone to jail for stealing wood!

    With tears and sobs my voice I raise

    To celebrate my uncle's praise;

    With all my strength, with all my skill,

    I'll sing the song of Uncle Bill."

  • Under the Light, yet under,

    Under the Grass and the Dirt,

    Under the Beetle's Cellar

    Under the Clover's Root,

    Further than Arm could stretch

    Were it Giant long,

    Further than Sunshine could

    Were the Day Year long,

    Over the Light, yet over,

    Over the Arc of the...

  • This is the place where they all were bred;

    Some of the rafters are standing still;

    Now they are scattered and lost and dead,

    Every one from the old nest fled,

    Out of the shadow of Kiley's Hill.

    Better it is that they ne'er came back --

    Changes and chances are quickly rung;

    Now the old...