• To be forgot by thee

    Surpasses Memory

    Of other minds

    The Heart cannot forget

    Unless it contemplate

    What it declines

    I was regarded then

    Raised from oblivion

    A single time

    To be remembered what —

    Worthy to be forgot

    Is my renown

  • To break so vast a Heart

    Required a Blow as vast —

    No Zephyr felled this Cedar straight —

    'Twas undeserved Blast —

  • I HATE the town and all its ways;

    Ridottos, operas, and plays;

    The ball, the ring, the mall, the court;

    Wherever the beau-monde resort;

    Where beauties lie in ambush for folks,

    Earl Straffords, and the Duke of Norfolks;

    All coffee-houses, and their praters;

    All courts of...

  •           Thus, one by one, dear friend, the years flow by,

                 That bear us onward to the silent land.

              And one by one, around us falling lie,

                The loved ones we have walked with, hand in hand.

              And thus, the hour comes swiftly, surely on;

                 I see its shadow...

  • *

    To Chloes breast young Cupid slily stole

    But he crept in at Myras pocket hole

  • To all young Men that love to Wooe,

    To Kiss and Dance, and Tumble too;

    Draw near and Counsel take of me,

    Your faithful Pilot I will be:

    Kiss who you please, Joan, Kate, or Mary,

    But still this Counsel with you carry.

    Never Marry.

    Court not a Country Lady, she


  • To die — takes just a little while —

    They say it doesn't hurt —

    It's only fainter — by degrees —

    And then — it's out of sight —

    A darker Ribbon — for a Day —

    A Crape upon the Hat —

    And then the pretty sunshine comes —

    And helps us to forget —

    The absent — mystic —...

  • To die — without the Dying

    And live — without the Life

    This is the hardest Miracle

    Propounded to Belief.

  • To do a magnanimous thing

    And take oneself by surprise

    If oneself is not in the habit of him

    Is precisely the finest of Joys —

    Not to do a magnanimous thing

    Notwithstanding it never be known

    Notwithstanding it cost us existence once

    Is Rapture herself spurn —

  •         I know those subtle elements

                Thou dost administer,

            Have power to stay the parting breath,

                The languid pulse to stir.


            And not less potent is thy smile,

                Thy sympathizing tone,

            Thy tender heart that ever makes