• Alas! my thoughts, how faint they rise,
    Their pinions clogg'd with dirt;

    They cannot gain the distant skies,
    But gravitate to earth.

    No angel...

  •         Speak low—tread softly through these halls;

               Here genius lives enshrined,—

            Here reign, in silent majesty,

               The monarchs of the mind.

            A mighty spirit-host they come,

               From every age and clime;

            Above the buried wrecks of...

  • Three times — we parted — Breath — and I —

    Three times — He would not go —

    But strove to stir the lifeless Fan

    The Waters — strove to stay.

    Three Times — the Billows tossed me up —

    Then caught me — like a Ball —

    Then made Blue faces in my face —

    And pushed away a sail


  • Through lane it lay — through bramble —

    Through clearing and through wood —

    Banditti often passed us

    Upon the lonely road.

    The wolf came peering curious —

    The owl looked puzzled down —

    The serpent's satin figure

    Glid stealthily along —

    The tempests touched our garments...

  • Through the Dark Sod — as Education —

    The Lily passes sure —

    Feels her white foot — no trepidation —

    Her faith — no fear —

    Afterward — in the Meadow —

    Swinging her Beryl Bell —

    The Mold-life — all forgotten — now —

    In Ecstasy — and Dell —

  • Through the strait pass of suffering —

    The Martyrs — even — trod.

    Their feet — upon Temptations —

    Their faces — upon God —

    A stately — shriven — Company —

    Convulsion — playing round —

    Harmless — as streaks of Meteor —

    Upon a Planet's Bond —

    Their faith — the...

  • Through those old Grounds of memory,

    The sauntering alone

    Is a divine intemperance

    A prudent man would shun.

    Of liquors that are vended

    'Tis easy to beware

    But statutes do not meddle

    With the internal bar.

    Pernicious as the sunset

    Permitting to pursue


  • Tie the Strings to my Life, My Lord,

    Then, I am ready to go!

    Just a look at the Horses —

    Rapid! That will do!

    Put me in on the firmest side —

    So I shall never fall —

    For we must ride to the Judgment —

    And it's partly, down Hill —

    But never I mind the steeper —

  • Till Death — is narrow Loving —

    The scantest Heart extant

    Will hold you till your privilege

    Of Finiteness — be spent —

    But He whose loss procures you

    Such Destitution that

    Your Life too abject for itself

    Thenceforward imitate —

    Until — Resemblance perfect —