• The Wind — tapped like a tired Man —

    And like a Host — "Come in"

    I boldly answered — entered then

    My Residence within

    A Rapid — footless Guest —

    To offer whom a Chair

    Were as impossible as hand

    A Sofa to the Air —

    No Bone had He to bind Him —

    His Speech was...


    What Nature, alas! has denied

      To the delicate growth of our isle,

    Art has in a measure supplied,

      And Winter is deck'd with a smile.

    See, Mary, what beauties I bring

      From the shelter of that sunny shed,


  • The Winters are so short —

    I'm hardly justified

    In sending all the Birds away —

    And moving into Pod —

    Myself — for scarcely settled —

    The Phoebes have begun —

    And then — it's time to strike my Tent —

    And open House — again —

    It's mostly, interruptions —


  • The words the happy say

    Are paltry melody

    But those the silent feel

    Are beautiful —

  • The Work of Her that went,

    The Toil of Fellows done —

    In Ovens green our Mother bakes,

    By Fires of the Sun.

  • The World — stands — solemner — to me —

    Since I was wed — to Him —

    A modesty befits the soul

    That bears another's — name —

    A doubt — if it be fair — indeed —

    To wear that perfect — pearl —

    The Man — upon the Woman — binds —

    To clasp her soul — for all —

    A prayer, that it more...

  • The worthlessness of Earthly things

    The Ditty is that Nature Sings —

    And then — enforces their delight

    Till Synods are inordinate —

  • Their Barricade against the Sky

    The martial Trees withdraw

    And with a Flag at every turn

    Their Armies are no more.

    What Russet Halts in Nature's March

    They indicate or cause

    An inference of Mexico

    Effaces the Surmise —

    Recurrent to the After Mind


  • Their dappled importunity

    Disparage or dismiss —

    The Obloquies of Etiquette

    Are obsolete to Bliss —