• I sing the Sofa. I, who lately sang

    Truth, Hope, and Charity, and touch'd with awe

    The solemn chords, and with a trembling hand,

    Escap'd with pain from that advent'rous flight,

    Now seek repose upon an humbler theme;

    The theme though humble, yet august and proud

    Th' occasion ─ for the Fair commands the...

  • Oh for a lodge in some vast wilderness,

    Some boundless contiguity of shade,

    Where rumour of oppression and deceit,

    Of unsuccessful or successful war,

    Might never reach me more. My ear is pain'd,

    My soul is sick, with ev'ry day's report

    Of wrong and outrage with which earth is fill'd.

    There is...

  • As one who, long in thickets and in brakes

    Entangled, winds now this way and now that

    His devious course uncertain, seeking home;

    Or, having long in miry ways been foil'd,

    And sore discomfited, from slough to slough

    Plunging, and half despairing of escape;

    If chance at length he finds a greensward smooth...

  • Hark! 'tis the twanging horn o'er yonder bridge,

    That with its wearisome but needful length

    Bestrides the wintry flood, in which the moon

    Sees her unwrinkled face reflected bright; —

    He comes, the herald of a noisy world,

    With spatter'd boots, strapp'd waist, and frozen locks;

    News from all nations lumb'...

  • 'Tis morning; and the sun, with ruddy orb

    Ascending, fires th' horizon: while the clouds,

    That crowd away before the driving wind,

    More ardent as the disk emerges more,

    Resemble most some city in a blaze,

    Seen through the leafless wood. His slanting ray

    Slides ineffectual down the snowy vale,

  • There is in souls a sympathy with sounds;

    And, as the mind is pitch'd, the ear is pleas'd

    With melting airs, or martial, brisk, or grave:

    Some chord in unison with what we hear

    Is touch'd within us, and the heart replies.

    How soft the music of those village bells,

    Falling at intervals upon the ear

  • The Things that never can come back, are several —

    Childhood — some forms of Hope — the Dead —

    Though Joys — like Men — may sometimes make a Journey —

    And still abide —

    We do not mourn for Traveler, or Sailor,

    Their Routes are fair —

    But think enlarged of all that they will tell us


  • The things we thought that we should do

    We other things have done

    But those peculiar industries

    Have never been begun —

    The Lands we thought that we should seek

    When large enough to run

    By Speculation ceded

    To Speculation's Son —

    The Heaven, in which we hoped to pause...

  • The Thrill came slowly like a Boom for

    Centuries delayed

    It's fitness growing like the Flood

    In sumptuous solitude —

    The desolation only missed

    While Rapture changed it's Dress

    And stood arrayed before the Change

    In ravished Holiness —

  • The Treason of an accent

    Might Ecstasy transfer —

    Of her effacing Fathom

    Is no Recoverer —

    The Treason of an Accent

    Might vilify the Joy —

    To breathe — corrode the rapture

    Of Sanctity to be —