• The most pathetic thing I do

    Is play I hear from you —

    I make believe until my Heart

    Almost believes it too

    But when I break it with the news

    You knew it was not true

    I wish I had not broken it —

    Goliah — so would you —

  • The most triumphant Bird I ever knew or met

    Embarked upon a twig today

    And till Dominion set

    I famish to behold so eminent a sight

    And sang for nothing scrutable

    But intimate Delight.

    Retired, and resumed his transitive Estate —

    To what delicious Accident

    Does finest Glory fit!...

  • The mountain sat upon the plain

    In his eternal chair,

    His observation omnifold,

    His inquest everywhere.

    The seasons prayed...

  • The Mountain sat upon the Plain

    In his tremendous Chair —

    His observation omnifold,

    His inquest, everywhere —

    The Seasons played around his knees

    Like Children round a sire —

    Grandfather of the Days is He

    Of Dawn, the Ancestor —

  • The Mountains — grow unnoticed —

    Their Purple figures rise

    Without attempt — Exhaustion —

    Assistance — or Applause —

    In Their Eternal Faces

    The Sun — with just delight

    Looks long — and last — and golden —

    For fellowship — at night —

  • The Murmur of a Bee

    A Witchcraft — yieldeth me —

    If any ask me why —

    'Twere easier to die —

    Than tell —

    The Red upon the Hill

    Taketh away my will —

    If anybody sneer —

    Take care — for God is here —

    That's all.

    The Breaking of the Day


  • The murmuring of Bees, has ceased

    But murmuring of some

    Posterior, prophetic,

    Has simultaneous come.

    The lower metres of the Year

    When Nature's laugh is done

    The Revelations of the Book

    Whose Genesis was June.

    Appropriate Creatures to her change

    The Typic Mother sends...

  • The name — of it — is "Autumn" —

    The hue — of it — is Blood —

    An Artery — upon the Hill —

    A Vein — along the Road —

    Great Globules — in the Alleys —

    And Oh, the Shower of Stain —

    When Winds — upset the Basin —

    And spill the Scarlet Rain —

    It sprinkles Bonnets — far...

  • The nearest Dream recedes — unrealized —

    The Heaven we chase,

    Like the June Bee — before the School Boy,

    Invites the Race —

    Stoops — to an easy Clover —

    Dips — evades — teases — deploys —

    Then — to the Royal Clouds

    Lifts his light Pinnace —

    Heedless of the Boy —


  • Addressed to the Patrons of the Pennsylvania Freeman.

    The wave is breaking on the shore,

    The echo fading from the chime

    Again the shadow moveth o'er

    The dial-plate of time!

    O seer-seen Angel! waiting now

    With weary feet on sea and shore,

    Impatient for the last dread vow