• The Lilac is an ancient shrub

    But ancienter than that

    The Firmamental Lilac

    Upon the Hill tonight —

    The Sun subsiding on his Course

    Bequeaths this final Plant

    To Contemplation — not to Touch —

    The Flower of Occident.

    Of one Corolla is the West —

    The Calyx is the Earth...

  • The Loneliness One dare not sound —

    And would as soon surmise

    As in its Grave go plumbing

    To ascertain the size —

    The Loneliness whose worst alarm

    Is lest itself should see —

    And perish from before itself

    For just a scrutiny —

    The Horror not to be surveyed —

  • A pair of spectacles afar just stir —

    An almanac 's aware.

    Was it the mat winked,

    Or a nervous star ?

    The moon slides down the stair

    To see who 's there.

    There 's plunder, — where ?

    Tankard, or spoon,

    Earring, or stone,

    A watch, some ancient brooch


  • The lonesome for they know not What —

    The Eastern Exiles — be —

    Who strayed beyond the Amber line

    Some madder Holiday —

    And ever since — the purple Moat

    They strive to climb — in vain —

    As Birds — that tumble from the clouds

    Do fumble at the strain —

    The Blessed Ether...

  • The look of thee, what is it like

    Hast thou a hand or Foot

    Or Mansion of Identity

    And what is thy Pursuit?

    Thy fellows are they realms or Themes

    Hast thou Delight or Fear

    Or Longing — and is that for us

    Or values more severe?

    Let change transfuse all other Traits...

  • The Luxury to apprehend

    The Luxury 'twould be

    To look at Thee a single time

    An Epicure of Me

    In whatsoever Presence makes

    Till for a further Food

    I scarcely recollect to starve

    So first am I supplied —

    The Luxury to meditate

    The Luxury it was


  • The Malay — took the Pearl —

    Not — I — the Earl —

    I — feared the Sea — too much

    Unsanctified — to touch —

    Praying that I might be

    Worthy — the Destiny —

    The Swarthy fellow swam —

    And bore my Jewel — Home —

    Home to the Hut! What lot

    Had I — the Jewel — got...

  • The Manner of its Death

    When Certain it must die —

    'Tis deemed a privilege to choose —

    'Twas Major Andre's Way —

    When Choice of Life — is past —

    There yet remains a Love

    Its little Fate to stipulate —

    How small in those who live —

    The Miracle to tease

  • The Martyr Poets — did not tell —

    But wrought their Pang in syllable —

    That when their mortal name be numb —

    Their mortal fate — encourage Some —

    The Martyr Painters — never spoke —

    Bequeathing — rather — to their Work —

    That when their conscious fingers cease —

    Some seek in Art — the...