• The Fingers of the Light

    Tapped soft upon the Town

    With "I am great and cannot wait

    So therefore let me in."

    "You're soon," the Town replied,

    "My Faces are asleep —

    But swear, and I will let you by,

    You will not wake them up."

    The easy Guest complied


  • The first Day's Night had come —

    And grateful that a thing

    So terrible — had been endured —

    I told my Soul to sing —

    She said her Strings were snapt —

    Her Bow — to Atoms blown —

    And so to mend her — gave me work

    Until another Morn —

    And then — a Day as huge

  •       "North and South too many an hour

                I've by the skipper held the wheel;

           Seen too many a hissing shower

                O'er my old sou'-wester reel."

  • The first We knew of Him was Death —

    The second — was — Renown —

    Except the first had justified

    The second had not been.

  • The Flower must not blame the Bee —

    That seeketh his felicity

    Too often at her door —

    But teach the Footman from Vevay —

    Mistress is "not at home" — to say —

    To people — any more!

  • The Frost of Death was on the Pane —

    "Secure your Flower" said he.

    Like Sailors fighting with a Leak

    We fought Mortality.

    Our passive Flower we held to Sea —

    To Mountain — To the Sun —

    Yet even on his Scarlet shelf

    To crawl the Frost begun —

    We pried him back

  • That short, potential stir

    That each can make but once,

    That bustle so illustrious

    'T is almost consequence,

    Is the éclat of death.

    Oh, thou unknown renown

    That not a beggar would accept,

    Had he the...

  • The Future — never spoke —

    Nor will He — like the Dumb —

    Reveal by sign — a syllable

    Of His Profound To Come —

    But when the News be ripe —

    Presents it — in the Act —

    Forestalling Preparation —

    Escape — or Substitute —

    Indifference to Him —

    The Dower — as...

  • The Gentian weaves her fringes —

    The Maple's loom is red —

    My departing blossoms

    Obviate parade.

    A brief, but patient illness —

    An hour to prepare,

    And one below this morning

    Is where the angels are —

    It was a short procession,

    The Bobolink was there —

  • The gleam of an heroic Act

    Such strange illumination

    The Possible's slow fuse is lit

    By the Imagination.