• “The cry of the cicada

    Gives us no sign

    That presently it will die.”

  • The daisy follows soft the sun,

        And when his golden walk is done,

      Sits shyly at his feet.

    He, walking, finds the flower near.

    "Wherefore, marauder, art thou here ?

      "Because, sir, love is sweet !"

    We are the...

  • The Dandelion's pallid tube

    Astonishes the Grass,

    And Winter instantly becomes

    An infinite Alas —

    The tube uplifts a signal Bud

    And then a shouting Flower, —

    The Proclamation of the Suns

    That sepulture is o'er.

  • The Day came slow — till Five o'clock —

    Then sprang before the Hills

    Like Hindered Rubies — or the Light

    A Sudden Musket — spills —

    The Purple could not keep the East —

    The Sunrise shook abroad

    Like Breadths of Topaz — packed a Night —

    The Lady just unrolled —


  • The Day she goes

    Or Day she stays

    Are equally supreme —

    Existence has a stated width

    Departed, or at Home —

  • The Day that I was crowned

    Was like the other Days —

    Until the Coronation came —

    And then — 'twas Otherwise —

    As Carbon in the Coal

    And Carbon in the Gem

    Are One — and yet the former

    Were dull for Diadem —

    I rose, and all was plain —

    But when the Day...

  • The Day undressed — Herself —

    Her Garter — was of Gold —

    Her Petticoat — of Purple plain —

    Her Dimities — as old

    Exactly — as the World —

    And yet the newest Star —

    Enrolled upon the Hemisphere

    Be wrinkled — much as Her —

    Too near to God — to pray —

    Too near...

  • Then all the disciples forsook him and fled.-ST. MATTHEW xxvi. 56.

    FLED!-and from whom? The Man of woe

         Who in Gethsemane had felt

    Such pangs as bade the blood-drops flow,

         And the crushed heart with anguish melt?

    They who were gathered round his board,

         Partook his...

  • Uprose the King of Men with speed,

    And saddled straight his coal-black steed;

    Down the yawning steep he rode,

    That leads to Hela's drear abode.

    Him the dog of darkness spied,

    His shaggy throat he opened wide,

    While from his jaws, with carnage filled,

    Foam and human gore distilled:

  • The Devil — had he fidelity

    Would be the best friend —

    Because he has ability —

    But Devils cannot mend —

    Perfidy is the virtue

    That would but he resign

    The Devil — without question

    Were thoroughly divine