• Go, lovely boy! to yonder tow'r

    The fane of Janus, ruthless King!

    And shut, O! shut the brazen door,

    And here the keys in triumph bring.

    Full many a tender heart hath bled,

    Its joys in Belgia's soil entomb'd:

    Which thou to Hymen's smiling bed,

    And length of sweetest hours had...

  •    THRICE happy cat, if, in thy A— House,

    Thou luckily shouldst find a half-starv'd mouse;

    The mice, that only for his music stay,

    Are proofs that Orpheus did not better play.

    Thou too, if danger could alarm thy fears,

    Hast to this Orpheus strangely tied thy ears:

    For oh! the fatal...

  • The Chemical conviction

    That Nought be lost

    Enable in Disaster

    My fractured Trust —

    The Faces of the Atoms

    If I shall see

    How more the Finished Creatures

    Departed me!

  • The Child's faith is new —

    Whole — like His Principle —

    Wide — like the Sunrise

    On fresh Eyes —

    Never had a Doubt —

    Laughs — at a Scruple —

    Believes all sham

    But Paradise —

    Credits the World —

    Deems His Dominion

    Broadest of Sovereignties —

  • The Clock strikes one that just struck two —

    Some schism in the Sum —

    A Vagabond for Genesis

    Has wrecked the Pendulum —

  • The Clover's simple Fame

    Remembered of the Cow —

    Is better than enameled Realms

    Of notability.

    Renown perceives itself

    And that degrades the Flower —

    The Daisy that has looked behind

    Has compromised its power —

  • The Color of a Queen, is this —

    The Color of a Sun

    At setting — this and Amber —

    Beryl — and this, at Noon —

    And when at night — Auroran widths

    Fling suddenly on men —

    'Tis this — and Witchcraft — nature keeps

    A Rank — for Iodine —

  • The competitions of the sky

    Corrodeless ply.

  • TOIL on! toil on! ye ephemeral train,

    Who build in the tossing and treacherous main

    Toil on! for the wisdom of man ye mock,

    With your sand-based structures and domes of rock,

    Your columns the fathomless fountains' lave,

    And your arches spring up to the crested wave;

    Ye're a puny race thus to boldly...

  • The Court is far away —

    No Umpire — have I —

    My Sovereign is offended —

    To gain his grace — I'd die!

    I'll seek his royal feet —

    I'll say — Remember — King —

    Thou shalt — thyself — one day — a Child —

    Implore a larger — thing —

    That Empire — is of Czars —
