• The Blunder is in estimate.

    Eternity is there

    We say, as of a Station —

    Meanwhile he is so near

    He joins me in my Ramble —

    Divides abode with me —

    No Friend have I that so persists

    As this Eternity.

  • The Bobolink is gone —

    The Rowdy of the Meadow —

    And no one swaggers now but me —

    The Presbyterian Birds

    Can now resume the Meeting

    He boldly interrupted that overflowing Day

    When supplicating mercy

    In a portentous way

    He swung upon the Decalogue

    And shouted let us...

  • The Bone that has no Marrow,

    What Ultimate for that?

    It is not fit for Table

    For Beggar or for Cat.

    A Bone has obligations —

    A Being has the same —

    A Marrowless Assembly

    Is culpabler than shame.

    But how shall finished Creatures

    A function fresh obtain?...

  • The Brain, within its Groove

    Runs evenly — and true —

    But let a Splinter swerve —

    'Twere easier for You —

    To put a Current back —

    When Floods have slit the Hills —

    And scooped a Turnpike for Themselves —

    And trodden out the Mills —

  • I came, but she was gone. In her fair home,

    There lay her lute, just as she touched it last,

    At summer twilight, when the woodbine cups

    Fill'd with pure fragrance. On her favourite seat

    Lay the still open work-box, and that book

    Which last she read, its pencil'd margin...

  • The Butterfly in honored Dust

    Assuredly will lie

    But none will pass the Catacomb

    So chastened as the Fly —

  • The butterfly obtains

    But little sympathy

    Though favorably mentioned

    In Entomology —

    Because he travels freely

    And wears a proper coat

    The circumspect are certain

    That he is dissolute —

    Had he the homely scutcheon

    Of modest Industry


  • The Butterfly upon the Sky,

    That doesn't know its Name

    And hasn't any tax to pay

    And hasn't any Home

    Is just as high as you and I,

    And higher, I believe,

    So soar away and never sigh

    And that's the way to grieve —

  • The butterfly's assumption-gown,

    In chrysoprase apartments hung,

      This afternoon put on.

    How condescending to descend,

    And be of buttercups the friend

      In a New England town !

  • The Butterfly's Numidian Gown

    With spots of Burnish roasted on

    Is proof against the Sun

    Yet prone to shut its spotted Fan

    And panting on a Clover lean

    As if it were undone —