• Taking up the fair Ideal,

    Just to cast her down

    When a fracture — we discover —

    Or a splintered Crown —

    Makes the Heavens portable —

    And the Gods — a lie —

    Doubtless — "Adam" — scowled at Eden —

    For his perjury!

    Cherishing — our pool Ideal —

    Till in purer dress...

  • Talk not to me of Summer Trees

    The foliage of the mind

    A Tabernacle is for Birds

    Of no corporeal kind

    And winds do go that way at noon

    To their Ethereal Homes

    Whose Bugles call the least of us

    To undepicted Realms

  • Oh! the circus swooped down

    On the Narrabri town,

    For the Narrabri populace moneyed are;

    And the showman he smiled

    At the folk he beguiled

    To come all the distance from Gunnedah.

    But a juvenile smart,

    Who objected to "part",

    Went in on the nod, and to do it he


  • Teach Him — When He makes the names —

    Such an one — to say —

    On his babbling — Berry — lips —

    As should sound — to me —

    Were my Ear — as near his nest —

    As my thought — today —

    As should sound —

    "Forbid us not" —

    Some like "Emily."

  • Tell all the Truth but tell it slant —

    Success in Circuit lies

    Too bright for our infirm Delight

    The Truth's superb surprise

    As Lightning to the Children eased

    With explanation kind

    The Truth must dazzle gradually

    Or every man be blind —

  • * * *

    Terror in the house does roar

    But Pity stands before the door

  • That after Horror — that 'twas us —

    That passed the mouldering Pier —

    Just as the Granite Crumb let go —

    Our Savior, by a Hair —

    A second more, had dropped too deep

    For Fisherman to plumb —

    The very profile of the Thought

    Puts Recollection numb —

    The possibility — to...

  • That first Day, when you praised Me, Sweet,

    And said that I was strong —

    And could be mighty, if I liked —

    That Day — the Days among —

    Glows Central — like a Jewel

    Between Diverging Golds —

    The Minor One — that gleamed behind —

    And Vaster — of the World's.

  • That I did always love

    I bring thee Proof

    That till I loved

    I never lived — Enough —

    That I shall love alway —

    I argue thee

    That love is life —

    And life hath Immortality —

    This — dost thou doubt — Sweet —

    Then have I

    Nothing to show
