• Spring comes on the World —

    I sight the Aprils —

    Hueless to me until thou come

    As, till the Bee

    Blossoms stand negative,

    Touched to Conditions

    By a Hum.

  •            Over the valleys and over the mountains,

                 Borne on the wings of the south wind I come;

               Breaking the ice-chains, unloosing the fountains,

                 Waking all Nature to beauty and bloom.

               Flowers from the green turf in myriads are springing;


  • Spurn the temerity —

    Rashness of Calvary —

    Gay were Gethsemane

    Knew we of Thee —

  • I often wondered when I cursed,

    Often feared where I would be—

    Wondered where she'd yield her love,

    When I yield, so will she.

    I would her will be pitied!

    Cursed be love! She pitied me ...

  • Step lightly on this narrow spot —

    The broadest Land that grows

    Is not so ample as the Breast

    These Emerald Seams enclose.

    Step lofty, for this name be told

    As far as Cannon dwell

    Or Flag subsist or Fame export

    Her deathless Syllable.

  • Still own thee — still thou art

    What surgeons call alive —

    Though slipping — slipping I perceive

    To thy reportless Grave —

    Which question shall I clutch —

    What answer wrest from thee

    Before thou dost exude away

    In the recallless sea?