• Somewhere upon the general Earth

    Itself exist Today —

    The Magic passive but extant

    That consecrated me —

    Indifferent Seasons doubtless play

    Where I for right to be —

    Would pay each Atom that I am

    But Immortality —

    Reserving that but just to prove


  •  Beneath the cloud-topp’d mountain,

         Beside the craggy bluff,

    Where every dint of nature

         Is rude and wild enough;

    Upon the verdant meadow,

         Upon the sunburnt plain,

    Upon the sandy hillock;

          We waken music’s strain.

    Beneath the pine’s thick branches,

  • 'Tis strange that in a land so strong

    So strong and bold in mighty youth,

    We have no poet's voice of truth

    To sing for us a wondrous song.

    Our chiefest singer yet has sung

    In wild, sweet notes a passing strain,

    All carelessly and sadly flung

    To that dull world he thought so vain.

  • Introduction.


    Hear the voice of the Bard!

    Who Present, Past, & Future sees

    Whose ears have heard,

    The Holy Word,
    5That walk'd among the ancient trees.


  •         Oh! in that better land to which I go,

                Say, shall I know thee as I know thee here;

                And will thy presence dim that glorious sphere,

            As it hath darkened all the earth below?

            Oh! will that voice enchain my listening ear,

                Whose "frozen music" stops my pulses...

  •         Oh thou who once on earth, beneath the weight

                Of our mortality didst live and move,

                The incarnation of profoundest love;

            Who on the Cross that love didst consummate;

                Whose deep and ample fullness could embrace

                The poorest, meanest of our fallen race:...

  •         Ah no! my love knows no vain jealousy:

                The rose that blooms and lives but in the sun,

                Asks not what other flowers he shines upon,

            If he but shine on her. Enough for me,

                Thus in thy light to dwell, and thus to share

                The sunshine of thy smile with all...

  •         Night closes round me, and wild threatening forms

                Clasp me with icy arms and chain me down,

                And bind upon my brow a cypress crown,

            Dewy with tears, and heaven frowns dark with storms;

            But the one glorious memory of thee

                Rises upon my path to guide and bless...