• Shells from the Coast mistaking —

    I cherished them for All —

    Happening in After Ages

    To entertain a Pearl —

    Wherefore so late — I murmured —

    My need of Thee — be done —

    Therefore — the Pearl responded —

    My Period begin

  • (Designed for the use of her daughter and niece when very young)


    Come, my Delia, by this spring

    Nature's bounties let us sing,

    While the popler's silver shade

    O'er our lambkins is display'd.


    See how she has deck'd the ground

    Op'ning flow'rets blush around...

  • Should you but fail at — Sea —

    In sight of me —

    Or doomed lie —

    Next Sun — to die —

    Or rap — at Paradise — unheard

    I'd harass God

    Until he let you in!

  • It was over at Coolgardie that a mining speculator,

    Who was going down the township just to make a bit o' chink,

    Went off to hire a camel from a camel propagator,

    And the Afghan said he'd lend it if he'd stand the beast a drink.

    Yes, the only price he asked him was to stand the beast a drink.

    He was cheap, very...

  • "Sic transit gloria mundi,"

    "How doth the busy bee,"

    "Dum vivimus vivamus,"

    I stay mine enemy! —

    Oh "veni, vidi, vici!"

    Oh caput cap-a-pie!

    And oh "memento mori"

    When I am far from thee!

    Hurrah for Peter Parley!

    Hurrrah for Daniel Boone!


  • Silence is all we dread.

    There's Ransom in a Voice —

    But Silence is Infinity.

    Himself have not a face.

  •  * * *

    Silent, Silent Night

    Quench the holy light

    Of thy torches bright.

    For possess'd of Day

    Thousand spirits stray

    That sweet joys betray.

    Why should joys be sweet

    Used with deceit

    Nor with sorrows meet?

    But an honest...

  •    AUT ubi cecropius formidine nubis aquosae

    Sparsa super flores examina tollit Hymettos;

    Ad dulces ceras et odori corticis antra,

    Mellis apes gravidae properant, densoque volatu

    Raucum connexae glomerant ad limina murmur.

       OR when th' Hymettian shepherd, struck with fear

    Of wat'...

  • Did you hear beyond the grove the night voice

    Of the singer of love who sings of his sadness?

    In the morning, when the fields were silent,

    It was the plaintive and simple sound of the pipe.
    Did you hear it?

    Did you meet in the desolate darkness of the forest...