• Ribbons of the Year —

    Multitude Brocade —

    Worn to Nature's Party once

    Then, as flung aside

    As a faded Bead

    Or a Wrinkled Pearl

    Who shall charge the Vanity

    Of the Maker's Girl?

  • Riches

    The countless gold of a merry heart

    The rubies & pearls of a loving eye

    The indolent never can bring to the mart

    Nor the secret hoard up in his treasury[4]

  • Robbed by Death — but that was easy —

    To the failing Eye

    I could hold the latest Glowing —

    Robbed by Liberty

    For Her Jugular Defences —

    This, too, I endured —

    Hint of Glory — it afforded —

    For the Brave Beloved —

    Fraud of Distance — Fraud of Danger,


  • Oh! how thou art changed, thou proud daughter of fame,

    Since that hour of ripe glory, when empire was thine,

    When earth's purple rulers, kings, quailed at thy name,

    And thy capitol worshipped as Liberty's shrine.

    In the day of thy pride, when thy crest was untamed,

    And the red star of conquest was bright...

  • O, pour upon my soul again

        That sad, unearthly strain,

    That seems from other worlds to plain;

    Thus falling, falling from afar,

    As if some melancholy star

    Had mingled with her light her sighs,

        And dropped them from the skies.

    No - never came from aught below


  • Last days of August ... autumn is already advancing.

         The sun was setting. Sudden gusts of rain, no thunder and no lightning, just flashed over our broad plain.

         Garden before the house burned and smoked, all bathed in the morning fire and flood of rain.

         She sat at a table in the living room and a stubborn looked pensively...

  • Soul, wilt thou toss again ?

    By just such a hazard

    Hundreds have lost, indeed,

    But tens have won an all.

    Angels' breathless ballot

    Lingers to record thee ;

    Imps in eager caucus

    Raffle for my soul.


  • Sacred song heals the sick spirit.

    The mysterious power of harmony

    Will expiate a heavy delusion

    And tame a revolting desire.

    The soul of a singer expressed with a concordance

    Is freed from all its woes,

    And the sacred poetry will give purity

    And peace to its companion.

  • Safe Despair it is that raves —

    Agony is frugal.

    Puts itself severe away

    For its own perusal.

    Garrisoned no Soul can be

    In the Front of Trouble —

    Love is one, not aggregate —

    Nor is Dying double —

  • Safe in their alabaster chambers,

    Untouched by morning and untouched by noon,

    Sleep the meek members of the resurrection,

    Rafter of satin, and roof of stone.

    Light laughs the breeze in her castle of sunshine ;

    Babbles the bee in a...