• Pursuing you in your transitions,

    In other Motes —

    Of other Myths

    Your requisition be.

    The Prism never held the Hues,

    It only heard them play —

  • I.

    ON the top of the Crumpetty Tree

        The Quangle Wangle sat,

    But his face you could not see,


  • I like a look of agony

    Because I know it 's true ;

    Men do not sham convulsion,

    Nor simulate a throe.

    The eyes gaze once, and that is death.

    Impossible to feign

    The beads upon the forehead

    By homely anguish...

  • Rearrange a "Wife's" affection!

    When they dislocate my Brain!

    Amputate my freckled Bosom!

    Make me bearded like a man!

    Blush, my spirit, in thy Fastness —

    Blush, my unacknowledged clay —

    Seven years of troth have taught thee

    More than Wifehood every may!

    Love that never...

  • Recollect the Face of me

    When in thy Felicity,

    Due in Paradise today

    Guest of mine assuredly —

    Other Courtesies have been —

    Other Courtesy may be —

    We commend ourselves to thee

    Paragon of Chivalry.

  • Soon as the gilded clouds of evening fly,

    And Luna lights her taper in the sky,

    The silent thought inspiring solemn scene

    Awakes my soul to all that it has been.

    I was the parent of the softest fair

    Who ere respir'd in wide Columbia's air;

    A transient glance of her love beaming eyes

  • So, the bank has bust it's boiler! And in six or seven year

    It will pay me all my money back -- of course!

    But the horse will perish waiting while the grass is germinating,

    And I reckon I'll be domething like the horse.

    There's the ploughing to be finished and the ploughmen want their pay,

    And I'd like to wire...

  • Into the wood - the dark, dark wood -

    Forth went the happy child;

    And, in its stillest solitude,

    Talked to herself, and smiled;

    And closer drew the scarlet Hood

    About her ringlets wild.

    And now at last she threads the maze,

    And now she need not fear;

    Frowning, she meets the...