• Papa above!

    Regard a Mouse

    O'erpowered by the Cat!

    Reserve within thy kingdom

    A "Mansion" for the Rat!

    Snug in seraphic Cupboards

    To nibble all the day

    While unsuspecting Cycles

    Wheel solemnly away!

  • Paradise is of the option.

    Whosoever will

    Own in Eden notwithstanding

    Adam and Repeal.

  • No lover saith, I love, nor any other
    Can judge a perfect lover;

    He thinks that else none can or will agree,
    That any loves but he;

    I cannot say I loved, for who can say

  •    DAME Chastity, without dispute,

    Dwelt on the earth with good King Brute; [1]

    When a cold hut of modern Greenland

    Had been a palace for a...

  • Partake as doth the Bee,


    The Rose is an Estate —

    In Sicily.

  • Pass to thy Rendezvous of Light,

    Pangless except for us —

    Who slowly for the Mystery

    Which thou hast leaped across!




    Eliza, rise, the orient glows with day,

    Already Phosphor darts his amber ray;

    The fainting planets vanish from the skies,

    Distinct already all the prospects rise;

    Begin our walk, but cheer the lonely way

    With music,...

  • Patience — has a quiet Outer —

    Patience — Look within —

    Is an Insect's futile forces

    Infinites — between —

    'Scaping one — against the other

    Fruitlesser to fling —

    Patience — is the Smile's exertion

    Through the quivering —

  • All hail vernal Phoebus! all hail ye soft breezes!
    Announcing the visit of spring;

    How green are the meadows! the air how it pleases!
    How gleefully all the birds sing!...