• One and One — are One —

    Two — be finished using —

    Well enough for Schools —

    But for Minor Choosing —

    Life — just — or Death —

    Or the Everlasting —

    More — would be too vast

    For the Soul's Comprising —

  • One Blessing had I than the rest

    So larger to my Eyes

    That I stopped gauging — satisfied —

    For this enchanted size —

    It was the limit of my Dream —

    The focus of my Prayer —

    A perfect — paralyzing Bliss —

    Contented as Despair —

    I knew no more of Want — or Cold —

  • One crown that no one seeks

    And yet the highest head

    Its isolation coveted

    Its stigma deified

    While Pontius Pilate lives

    In whatsoever hell

    That coronation pierces him

    He recollects it well.

  • One Crucifixion is recorded — only —

    How many be

    Is not affirmed of Mathematics —

    Or History —

    One Calvary — exhibited to Stranger —

    As many be

    As persons — or Peninsulas —

    Gethsemane —

    Is but a Province — in the Being's Centre —

    Judea —


  • One Day is there of the Series

    Termed Thanksgiving Day.

    Celebrated part at Table

    Part in Memory.

    Neither Patriarch nor Pussy

    I dissect the Play

    Seems it to my Hooded thinking

    Reflex Holiday.

    Had there been no sharp Subtraction

    From the early Sum —

  • One Joy of so much anguish

    Sweet nature has for me

    I shun it as I do Despair

    Or dear iniquity —

    Why Birds, a Summer morning

    Before the Quick of Day

    Should stab my ravished spirit

    With Dirks of Melody

    Is part of an inquiry

    That will receive reply

    When Flesh...

  • One Life of so much Consequence!

    Yet I — for it — would pay —

    My Soul's entire income —

    In ceaseless — salary —

    One Pearl — to me — so signal —

    That I would instant dive —

    Although — I knew — to take it —

    Would cost me — just a life!

    The Sea is full — I know it!

  • One of the ones that Midas touched

    Who failed to touch us all

    Was that confiding Prodigal

    The reeling Oriole —

    So drunk he disavows it

    With badinage divine —

    So dazzling we mistake him

    For an alighting Mine —

    A Pleader — a Dissembler —

    An Epicure — a Thief...

  • One thing of it we borrow

    And promise to return —

    The Booty and the Sorrow

    Its Sweetness to have known —

    One thing of it we covet —

    The power to forget —

    The Anguish of the Avarice

    Defrays the Dross of it —

  • One Year ago — jots what?

    God — spell the word! I — can't —

    Was't Grace? Not that —

    Was't Glory? That — will do —

    Spell slower — Glory —

    Such Anniversary shall be —

    Sometimes — not often — in Eternity —

    When farther Parted, than the Common Woe —

    Look — feed upon each other's...