• On S——

    You say reserve & modesty he has

    Whose heart is iron his head wood & his face brass

    The Fox the Owl the Beetle & the Bat

    By sweet reserve & modesty get Fat

  • On that specific Pillow

    Our projects flit away —

    The Night's tremendous Morrow

    And whether sleep will stay

    Or usher us — a stranger —

    To situations new

    The effort to comprise it

    Is all the soul can do.


                There was no bell to peal thy funeral dirge,

                No nodding plumes to wave above thy bier,

                No shroud to wrap thee but the foaming surge,

                No kindly voices thy dark way to cheer,

                No eye to give the tribute of a tear.

                Alone, "unknell'd,...

  • Doom'd as I am in solitude to waste

    The present moments, and regret the past;

    Depriv'd of every joy I valued most,

    My friend torn from me, and my mistress lost;

    Call not this gloom I wear, this anxious mien,

    The dull effect of humour, or of spleen!

    Still, still I mourn, with each returning day,

  • On the Great Encouragement Given by English Nobility & Gentry to Correggio Rubens Rembrandt Reynolds Gainsborough Catalani DuCrowe & Dilberry Doodle

    As the Ignorant Savage will sell his own Wife

    For a Sword or a Cutlass a dagger or Knife

    So the Taught Savage Englishman spends his whole Fortune


  • Oh! could I borrow some celestial plume,

    This narrow globe should not confine me long

    In its contracted sphere---the vast expanse,

    Beyond where thought can reach, or eye can glance,

    My curious spirit, charm'd should traverse o'er,

    New worlds to find, new systems to explore:

    When these appear...

  • On the Virginity of the Virgin Mary & Johanna Southcott

    Whateer is done to her she cannot know

    And if youll ask her she will swear it so

    Whether tis good or evil none's to blame

    No one can take the pride no one the shame

  • On the World you colored

    Morning painted rose —

    Idle his Vermillion

    Aimless crept the Glows

    Over Realms of Orchards

    I the Day before

    Conquered with the Robin —

    Misery - how fair

    Till your wrinkled Finger

    Shoved the sun away

    Midnight's awful Pattern

  • On this woundrous sea - sailing silently -

    Ho! Pilot! Ho!

    Knowest thou the shore

    Where no breakers roar -

    Where the storm is o'er?

    In the silent West

    Many - the sails at rest -

    Then anchors fast.

    Thither I pilot thee -

    Land! Ho! Eternity!

    Ashore at...

  • Once more, my now bewildered Dove

    Bestirs her puzzled wings

    Once more her mistress, on the deep

    Her troubled question flings —

    Thrice to the floating casement

    The Patriarch's bird returned,

    Courage! My brave Columba!

    There may yet be land