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    old acquaintance well renew

    Prospero had One Caliban & I have Two

  •  * * *

    An old maid early eer I knew

    Ought but the love that on me grew

    And now Im coverd oer & oer

    And wish that I had been a Whore

    O I cannot cannot find

    The undaunted courage of a Virgin Mind

    For Early I in love was crost

    Before my flower of...

  • You never heard tell of the story?

    Well, now, I can hardly believe!

    Never heard of the honour and glory

    Of Pardon, the son of Reprieve?

    But maybe you're only a Johnnie[1]

    And don't know a horse from a hoe?

    Well, well, don't get angry...

  • On a Columnar Self —

    How ample to rely

    In Tumult — or Extremity —

    How good the Certainty

    That Lever cannot pry —

    And Wedge cannot divide

    Conviction — That Granitic Base —

    Though None be on our Side —

    Suffice Us — for a Crowd —

    Ourself — and Rectitude —...

  • (recovering from an Indisposition)

    Narcissus (as Ovid informs us) expir'd,

    Consum'd by the flames his own beauty had fir'd;

    But N---o (who like him is charm'd with his face,

    And sighs for his other fair-self in the glass)

    Loves to greater excess than Narcissus---for why?

    He loves himself too much...

  •    CORINNA'S judgment do not less admire,

    That she for Oulus shows a gen'rous fire;
    Lucretia toying thus had been a fool,

    But wiser Helen might have us'd the tool.

    Since Oulus for one use alone is fit,

    With charity judge of Corinna's wit.

  •         I know not if thy noble worth

               My country's annals claim,

            For in her brief, bright history

               I have not read thy name.

            I know not if thou e'er didst live;

               Save in the vivid thought

            Of him who chronicled thy life,...

  •        I strive in vain those features to restore

                To Memory's faded tablets, which on me,

                From the mute ivory, beam so lovingly,

            And to recall their living light once more.

                In vain I strive to pierce that veil of years,

                And turn away all blinded with my tears....

  •         Fresh, through the mist of ages past,

                Thou risest on our view,

            As when from Judah's waving fields,

                Thy footsteps brushed the dew.


            Yet 'tis not for thy beauty's sake

                We thus remember thee;

            Although a chieftain's captive...