• Of Tolling Bell I ask the cause?

    "A Soul has gone to Heaven"

    I'm answered in a lonesome tone —

    Is Heaven then a Prison?

    That Bells should ring till all should know

    A Soul had gone to Heaven

    Would seem to me the more the way

    A Good News should be given.

  • Of Tribulation, these are They,

    Denoted by the White —

    The Spangled Gowns, a lesser Rank

    Of Victors — designate —

    All these — did conquer —

    But the ones who overcame most times —

    Wear nothing commoner than Snow —

    No Ornament, but Palms —

    Surrender — is a sort unknown...

  •    'TIS strange, while all to greatness homage pay,

    So few should know the goddess they obey.

    That men should think a thousand things the same,

    And give contending images one name.

    Not Greece, in all her temples' wide abodes,

    Held a more wild democracy of Gods

    Than various deities we serve,...

  • Of whom so dear

    The name to hear

    Illumines with a Glow

    As intimate — as fugitive

    As Sunset on the snow —

  • Of Yellow was the outer Sky

    In Yellower Yellow hewn

    Till Saffron in Vermilion slid

    Whose seam could not be shewn.

  • Oh Future! thou secreted peace

    Or subterranean woe —

    Is there no wandering route of grace

    That leads away from thee —

    No circuit sage of all the course

    Descried by cunning Men

    To balk thee of thy sacred Prey —

    Advancing to thy Den —

  • Oh give it Motion — deck it sweet

    With Artery and Vein —

    Upon its fastened Lips lay words —

    Affiance it again

    To that Pink stranger we call Dust —

    Acquainted more with that

    Than with this horizontal one

    That will not lift its Hat —

  • Oh Shadow on the Grass,

    Art thou a Step or not?

    Go make thee fair my Candidate

    My nominated Heart —

    Oh Shadow on the Grass

    While I delay to guess

    Some other thou wilt consecrate —

    Oh Unelected Face —

  • Oh what a Grace is this,

    What Majesties of Peace,

    That having breathed

    The fine — ensuing Right

    Without Diminuet Proceed!

  • Oh, honey of an hour,

    I never knew thy power,

    Prohibit me

    Till my minutest dower,

    My unfrequented flower,

    Deserving be.