• Not so the infinite Relations — Below

    Division is Adhesion's forfeit — On High

    Affliction but a Speculation — And Woe

    A Fallacy, a Figment, We knew —

  • Not that We did, shall be the test

    When Act and Will are done

    But what Our Lord infers We would

    Had We diviner been —

  • Not to discover weakness is

    The Artifice of strength —

    Impregnability inheres

    As much through Consciousness

    Of faith of others in itself

    As Pyramidal Nerve

    Behind the most unconscious clock

    What skilful Pointers move —

  • Not with a Club, the Heart is broken

    Nor with a Stone —

    A Whip so small you could not see it

    I've known

    To lash the Magic Creature

    Till it fell,

    Yet that Whip's Name

    Too noble then to tell.

    Magnanimous as Bird

    By Boy descried —

    Singing unto the...

  • *

    Now Art has lost its mental Charms

    France shall subdue the World in Arms

    So spoke an Angel at my birth

    Then said Descend thou upon Earth

    5Renew the Arts on Britains Shore...

  • Now I knew I lost her —

    Not that she was gone —

    But Remoteness travelled

    On her Face and Tongue.

    Alien, though adjoining

    As a Foreign Race —

    Traversed she though pausing

    Latitudeless Place.

    Elements Unaltered —

    Universe the same

    But Love's...

  • Obtaining but our own Extent

    In whatsoever Realm —

    'Twas Christ's own personal Expanse

    That bore him from the Tomb —

  •             A glorious vision burst

                    On Europe's dazzled sight,

                Upon that day when first

                    Columbia sprang to light; --

            When our NEW WORLD, till then concealed,

            In virgin beauty stood revealed.


                But more sublime that day...