• No matter where the Saints abide,

    They make their Circuit fair

    Behold how great a Firmament

    Accompanies a Star.

  • No matter — now — Sweet —

    But when I'm Earl —

    Won't you wish you'd spoken

    To that dull Girl?

    Trivial a Word — just —

    Trivial — a Smile —

    But won't you wish you'd spared one

    When I'm Earl?

    I shan't need it — then —

    Crests — will do —

    Eagles on my...

  • No Other can reduce

    Our mortal Consequence

    Like the remembering it be nought

    A Period from hence

    But Contemplation for

    Contemporaneous Nought

    Our Single Competition

    Jehovah's Estimate.

  • No Passenger was known to flee —

    That lodged a night in memory —

    That wily — subterranean Inn

    Contrives that none go out again —

  • No Prisoner be —

    Where Liberty —

    Himself — abide with Thee —

  • No Rack can torture me —

    My Soul — at Liberty —

    Behind this mortal Bone

    There knits a bolder One —

    You cannot prick with saw —

    Nor pierce with Scimitar —

    Two Bodies — therefore be —

    Bind One — The Other fly —

    The Eagle of his Nest

    No easier divest —

  • No Romance sold unto

    Could so enthrall a Man

    As the perusal of

    His Individual One —

    'Tis Fiction's — When 'tis small enough

    To Credit — 'Tisn't true!

  • None can experience stint

    Who Bounty — have not known —

    The fact of Famine — could not be

    Except for Fact of Corn —

    Want — is a meagre Art

    Acquired by Reverse —

    The Poverty that was not Wealth —

    Cannot be Indigence.

  • None who saw it ever told it

    'Tis as hid as Death

    Had for that specific treasure

    A departing breath —

    Surfaces may be invested

    Did the Diamond grow

    General as the Dandelion

    Would you serve it so?